Speech and language development is a touchy subject for many parents. One of the most important aspects of speech and language development in children is to make sure that they are receiving proper care, such as with therapy or medication. When left untreated, it can lead to more serious problems down the line like developmental delays and in some cases even mental retardation. This blog post will give you an overview of how to help a child struggling with a speech by explaining what types of therapies may be best for them and when it's time to seek professional assistance from a speech therapist.
Signs of Delayed Speech in Children
One of the most common signs of delayed speech in children is a significant lack of words. When a child's vocabulary consists mostly of single-word utterances or no words at all, then make sure that your child is seen by a speech therapist for early intervention. This is particularly important if they are not showing signs of speech by the age of two. In this case, the best way for you to find speech therapists is by exploring online sources or asking for recommendations from your network. In doing so, you will not only be able to find the right therapist but also get an idea of what their background is.
Additionally, if your child seems unable to understand language as well as other kids their age then this could also indicate some delays in speaking and understanding that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Since children are constantly learning throughout the day, this is a clear sign that they need some professional assistance to ensure their success in language development. In this case, it is best to talk with their pediatrician, who should then make a referral for further help through speech therapy or medication. The earlier that this treatment begins, the better the outcome will likely be. Keep in mind that most children start speaking between 12-18 months and continue to develop their speech throughout the first five years of life.
Early Intervention Services and Programs
One of the usual early intervention services is through your local school district for children between the ages of three to five. This program provides free help and support services that are tailored specifically toward each child's needs. If you feel like your child is struggling with speech or language, then make sure to contact your local school district for guidance on how they can help.
Another early intervention program that you may also want to consider is the Stuttering Foundation of America (SFA). This organization was created by the parents and family members of children who stutter to provide them with resources, education, research, advocacy as well as support and encouragement in their journey. The SFA website provides a support group that you can connect with other parents of children who stutter, as well as information on how to find free resources for your children such as speech therapy or medication if needed.
Other Types of Speech Therapies
Visual Tools
There are also other types of speech therapies that you can try at home to help your child with their speech and language development. These techniques are generally used in conjunction with traditional therapy sessions but may be enough for some children on their own. For example, if a child shows an aversion towards oral motor exercises such as chewing or blowing, then using visual tools like bubbles and straws to help them with these exercises can be helpful. You can offer your child special toys or fun activities during their therapy sessions to make the experience more engaging and beneficial for both parties.
Sign Language
Another option is through sign language, which has been proven effective in helping children who are nonverbal communicate better with others around them. If you feel that your child may benefit from sign language, then it is best to first speak with your speech therapist, who will be able to provide some resources for you. This method can help children greatly by allowing them to communicate their needs and thoughts more easily, which in turn helps improve their self-esteem as well.
Parents need to ensure that their child gets a healthy start in life from the beginning. The earlier you intervene, the better chance your child will have at succeeding in school and adulthood. If you suspect that your child has developmental delays or needs help with development, consult with the experts who will be able to help you provide the best care for your little one.