Golden Nugget Parenting Advice

Bestselling Author Matthew Logelin shares his Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of enjoying the journey of parenting and spending time with your children
Golden Nugget of Parenting Advice from Matthew Logelin
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Golden Nugget Parenting Advice

My golden nugget of parenting advice is just to enjoy it. I find so many people who become parents and they don't have any fun at all with their children. It becomes a task or a chore like anything else they do around the house, and what I've found is that the more fun I have with my daughter and the more that I can relive the childhood I had, or didn't have as the case may be, the more fun I have with my life. And it just gives me something to look forward to in the morning, waking up and enjoying that time with my daughter. One of the other things I can say is that having a daughter and being a new parent, I had to figure things out pretty quickly on my own, and I just learned that you can't plan everything. You can't have everything scripted in your life when you have a child. You have to find ways to make do when things don't go according to plan. One time I was at a baseball game with my daughter and I forgot to bring a bottle to feed her. She was about four or five months old. I had formula for her, and I knew I could get the water for her, but I had no way to get the formula from the bottle into her mouth. So I improvised a little bit, did some lagiver parenting, and I went up to the concession stand and bought a lapel pin, borrowed a lighter from the guy behind me and sterilized it, and popped a hole in the bottle, mixed up the formula, took it back to the seat, and squirted it into her mouth. And it's sort of a nice metaphor for what it is to be a parent. You're not always going to get things to go the way you want them to, so you're going to have to make do and make things perfect in your own way.

Bestselling Author Matthew Logelin shares his Golden Nugget of parenting advice on the importance of enjoying the journey of parenting and spending time with your children


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Matthew Logelin

Bestselling Author & Blogger

Matthew Logelin is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, Two Kisses for Maddy, as well as the acclaimed and award-winning blog, Matt, Liz, & Madeline. His essays have been featured in the Huffington Post, Glamour Magazine, Mamalode Magazine, and The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything.

Two Kisses for Maddy was the winner of the Goodreads Choice Award in the Best Memoir & Autobiography category, 2011, has been translated to four languages and was recently optioned by the Lifetime network, to be adapted for the small screen by Marta Kauffman (Friends) and Denise DiNovi (Crazy, Stupid Love; The Lucky One).

Matt is also the founder and president of The Liz Logelin Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in honor of his late wife, with the sole purpose of providing hope for young widowed families (regardless of marital status or sexual orientation) through financial assistance and necessary resources. Since its founding in 2009, The Liz Logelin Foundation has given grants to more than 120 families. Most importantly, Matt is the father to four-year-old Madeline. His toughest critic most days, she is also his biggest fan. He spends his days helping her refine her taste in music and books. They live in Los Angeles but travel often to see as much of the world as possible. 

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