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Children and Grief Videos

Maggie Kline, LMFT, School Psychologist... read more
Maggie Kline, LMFT School Psychologist & Therapist, shares advice for parents on the best way to help your children and community overcome a shooting or act of terrorism
Peter A. Levine, PhD Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids, shares advice for parents on how to keep trauma from having a lasting negative impact on their child
Matthew Logelin, Best-selling Author & Blogger, shares advice for parents with a deceased spouse on the best way to help keep your child's deceased parent in their lives
Matthew Logelin, Best-selling Author, shares advice for parents with a deceased spouse on the importance of maintaining a consistent narrative for your child after the... read more
Kim Hamer, Founder of, a resource dedicated to help friends support loved ones after a crisis, shares advice on the best way to support a child... read more
What do you tell your nine and two year old when their Daddy is facing a life-threatening injury with virtually no chance of survival?  How do you protect them from... read more
Linda Kaiser explains how to help a child through the loss of a sibling.
Kids in the House
Dealing with the death of a loved one or cherished pet is a difficult process for anyone, but children, especially, have a difficult time accepting and understanding the... read more
Actress Alysia Reiner gives her thoughts on talking to children about death
Pastor Jimmy Bartz offers his best advice on how to talk to children about the death of a loved one
Pastor Jimmy Bartz offers suggestions on how parents can talk to kids about school shootings or other tragedies
Sherre Hirsch, Rabbi & Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents on the best way to explain death to children and tell your child that a loved one has passed away
Susan Goldberg, MA Author and Blogger, shares advice for parents on the best way to answer your young child's questions about death and grieving
Peter A. Levine, PhD Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids, shares advice for parents on how to tell if their child is suppressing their feelings or has moved on in a... read more
Peter Levine, PhD, Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids, shares advice for parents on when it is appropriate to bring your child to a memorial service after the loss of a... read more
Peter Levine, PhD Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids, shares advice for parents on when it is alright to let kids visit the scene of a traumatic experience
Maggie Kline, LMFT School Psychologist... read more
Maggie Kline, LMFT School Psychologist... read more
See Maggie Kline, LMFT's video on Helping a young child deal with trauma...
Matthew Logelin, Bestselling Author & Blogger, shares advice for single parents on how to best integrate your new dating partner into your child's life
David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP Psychologist & Author, shares advice for parents on how to discuss traumatic events or tragedies with their children
Psychologist & Author David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP, shares advice for parents on the best method for helping your child after he or she witnesses a tragedy
See Betsy Brown Braun, MA's video on Talking to kids about death...
Janis Keyser, MA, Early Childhood Education Specialist & Author, shares advice for parents on the best way to properly discuss the topic of death with young children
Sherre Hirsch, Rabbi & Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents on the best way to answer your child's questions about why bad things happen in the world
Sherre Hirsch, Rabbi & Relationship Expert, shares advice for parents on the best way to explain and discuss the topic of death with your young child
Child Therapist Douglas Green, MFT, shares advice for parents on the best way to talk to kids about death in a way that they will understand and not be frightened by
Sharon LeGore, Family Advocate, shares advice for parents who have lost a child on the importance of thinking about your other children as well and how to help them... read more
Child Psychologist Ivy Margulies, PsyD, shares advice for parents on the best methods for helping your child deal with death and grief after the loss of a loved one or... read more
Psychologist & Author Charlotte Reznick, PhD, shares advice for parents on the best way to help children cope with the death of a family member or pet
Psychotherapist Amy Luster, MA, MFT, shares advice for parents on the best methods for helping your child cope with grief after the loss of a loved one depending on... read more
Clinical Psychologist Ivy Margulies, PsyD, shares advice on the best methods for explaining the concept of death to young children in order to help them understand it... read more
Learn about: Supporting a child through a parent's death from Gioconda Aviles,...
Psychotherapist Amy Luster, MA, MFT, shares advice on how to best help a child through his or her grief after the loss of a loved one and how to help them understand the... read more
Psychotherapist Amy Luster, MA, MFT, shares advice for parents on the best way to explain the concept of death with a child and which euphemisms you should be sure to... read more
Clinical Psychologist, Chris Fulton, PhD shares advice on the best ways to support a child after the death of a parent and how to help them through the grieving process
Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice on how to deal with the death of a family pet and how to explain the death to your children
Amy Luster, MA, MFT Psychotherapist, shares advice for parents on how to understand your child's grieving process in order to ensure that they are processing it in a... read more
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