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Consequences and Rewards Videos

Kim DeMarchi, MEd, CPE
Covey, in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, gives the analogy of relationships being like emotional bank accounts.
Chris Fulton, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on how to best use consequences and privileges with their kids effectively to ensure good behavior
How to discipline is key to parents. Disciplining should influence a child's future behavior. Try an "action replay" after misbehavior. Ask them to tell you what they... read more
My preschooler came out of her room and stomped once. I carried her back to bed.
There was a time when rewards and punishments were the foundation of most parents’ efforts to discipline their children.  The formula was pretty simple -... read more
Here’s a gem of a question I hear weekly:  Should I pay my kids to do chores?  It doesn’t sound like a hard question to answer on the surface,... read more
My family doesn’t vacation much. Oh, sure, we take trips. read more
“Since you didn’t pick up your toys, you can’t watch your favorite TV show before bed tonight!” read more
Watch Josh Shipp's video on Advice for foster parents with troubled teens...
The natural course of human events relies on a child striving to please his parents.
Learn about: What to do instead of getting school administration involved from Vicki Hoefle,...
View Vicki Hoefle's video on Addressing child's behavior without "feeding the fire"...
Learn about: Successful parenting after being inconsistent from Alanna Levine, MD,...
Watch Video: Even the experts make parenting mistakes by Alanna Levine, MD, ...
Laura Markham, PhD Psychologist & Parenting Author, shares advice for parents on how to get the behavior you want from your kids without having to use discipline
Learn about: Modeling behavior versus setting rules from Shefali Tsabary, PhD,...
Watch Shefali Tsabary, PhD's video on What is spiritual discipline?...
David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP Psychologist and Author, explains the four major styles of disciplining children and shares advice for parents on how to make sure that they... read more
See David Palmiter, PhD, ABPP 's video on Celebrating your child's achievements...
Watch Video: The secret to having effective consequences by Cynthia G. Whitham, LCSW, ...
Watch Betsy Brown Braun, MA's video on The meaning of discipline...
Watch Video: Gambling and video game addiction by Dan Cronin, LISAC, CADAC, CAS, CCS, ...
Watch Video: The power of consequences by Sondra Santos Drahos, ...
Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD Psychiatrist and Author, shares advice for parent on how to effectively reward your child for good behavior or grades without creating an... read more
Watch Michael Gurian, MFA, CMHC's video on The pros and cons of discipline methods for boys...
Kim DeMarchi, MEd Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on why time-outs are an ineffective disciplinary tool, and suggests techniques that work to discipline your... read more
Kim DeMarchi MEd, CPE Parent Educator, shares advice for parents on a few alternatives to time-outs in order to discipline your children which can prove to be much more... read more
Gordon Neufeld, PhD Psychologist and Author, shares advice for parents on how to choose effective consequences that will help children learn the proper way to behave and... read more
JoAnn Deak, PhD Psychologist and Author, shares advice for parents on how to best handle their child when he or she is behaving rudely
Chen Oren, PhD Psychologist and Author, shares advice for fathers on how to avoid being a strict disciplinarian and instead be more effective in disciplining kids and in... read more
Watch Video: How to discipline effectively by Tim Wheeler, ...
Tina Bryson, PhD Psychotherapist and Author, shares advice for parents on how they can discipline their children more effectively to ensure that they learn the right... read more
Learn about: Tips on how to discipline effectively from Wanda Yeatman,...
See Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Use of token economy for siblings...
Watch Video: Reward not bribery in token economy by Lisa Gonsalves, MA, ...
Marcy Axness, PhD Childhood Development Specialist, shares advice for parents on positive discipline strategies that can help a child learn to right his or her behavior
Robert Brooks, PhD Therapist and Author, shares advice for parents the most effective forms of discipline and consequences to use with children
View Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Definition of token economy...
See Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Importance of consistency in token economy...
Learn about: Thoughts on how to handle discipline from Chris Rice,...
Watch Chris Rice's video on How do you get your kids to cooperate?...
Learn about: Definition of stimming behaviors from Lisa Gonsalves, MA,...
Watch Video: Balancing boundaries and freedom with kids by Suchada Eickemeyer, ...
Watch Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Good rewards for token economies...
See Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Token economies for teens...
Learn about: Importance of obtainable rewards for kids from Lisa Gonsalves, MA,...
Chris Fulton, PhD Clinical Psychologist, shares advice for parents on some of the most effective ways of doing punishments and disciplining their children
See Lisa Gonsalves, MA's video on Continuing token economies for behavior changes...
Lisa Gonsalves, MA Behavior Therapist, shares advice for parents on effective methods to reinforce positive behavior in their children
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