Reward not bribery in token economy
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The token economy is used for extreme behaviors. It is not exactly bribery.
Even though a child is getting a reward for good behaviors, it is a systematic approach. It is a formula. The child is aware of what the formula is. It might be in a chart or a poster that you have posted. The child can be responsible for putting up the stickers. There are rewards and there are gains.
It is overcoming a behavior that the parent does not want the child to have, so it is not really bribery. It isn't about, "Stop having a tantrum and you can have a cookie." That is bribery. That is not what you want to do.
The difference is, "When we go to the store and you don't have a tantrum, if you can do that three times, then you get some reward." It doesn't have to be something that costs money. It can be shared time. It can be a hug, praise, whatever is rewarding for the child.
If it systematic and the child is motivated by the reward, it is very effective.
Watch Video: Reward not bribery in token economy by Lisa Gonsalves, MA, ...
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Lisa Gonsalves, MABehavior Therapist
In her career in youth development, Lisa Gonsalves, MA, has served youth populations across the globe over the past 25 years. Her professional experience includes creating, developing, and administering a variety of programs, development systems, and methods for young people as coordinator, counselor, and instructor for ages four through 24. The various youth populations she has served include school age children with behavioral or mental heath diagnoses, urban and rural at-risk adolescents, foreign students, gay youth, socio-economically underprivileged, and middle class youth. She has a master’s degree in Social Policy for Youth Services.
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