Pros and cons of video games

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Pros and cons of video games | Kids in the House
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Pros and cons of video games

The funny thing about video games and all of these electronic game that kids are doing these days is that neurologists and brain development experts are finding out that, in many ways, they are really good for kids. They teach them to think faster and make decisions faster, especially the systems that use the whole body instead of just the thumbs, they are really good that. Having said that, video games, electronic systems, and all of these things are absolutely addictive. If you don't have some control over it, the kid will lose himself in that for 12 hours a day. When their childhood is over, all they are going to remember is Mario Brothers and Halo. Yes, get in there. How much should you ration it? Exactly as much as you feel is right in negotiation with the kid. Am I saying that you should just go up and nag the kid to get off of the game? Wouldn't it be better to take the kid outside, out for an adventure, engage them in real life? The funny thing is, they will fight when you try to do that, they might even complain about it, but deep down, they'll really appreciate it.

Watch Douglas Green, MFT's video on Pros and cons of video games...


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Douglas Green, MFT

Child Therapist

Douglas Green left a successful career as a writer and director of film, stage and television to become a Psychotherapist, specializing in helping children and teenagers live lives they can be proud of.  He has a degree in Drama Therapy, and uses creative active techniques often in his work.  He has extensive experience in working with numerous childhood issues, such as ADHD, autism, Asperger's, depression, anxiety, and recovery from physical, sexual, and emotional Abuse.  He works at two offices, one in Woodland Hills, CA and one in West Los Angeles, CA, and is an Adjunct Professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.

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