Younger child vs. older child discipline
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Wide techniques of discipline that work for younger children, don't work for older children has a lot to do with, of course, their development and their growth. I firmly believe that when kids are little, we are really telling the much what more to do even though we have to build in some choices and decisions. But as our children become teenagers, I really think that if we are to become effective disciplinarians, we have to involve them much more. We have to sit down much more with them and we have to make sure they understand what the rules are.
Also, as they get older, we have to change come of the privileges that they have, as long as they show the responsibility. You are not going to give the same curfew to a ten year old, as to a 16 year old. So how we talk to them, their own development, how we can place more and more responsibility on them, really dictates how we discipline differently.
The key thing at any age is we want kids to develop self-discipline. We want to take ownership for their rules and as they get older, the are able to be more responsible.
View Robert Brooks, PhD's video on Younger child vs. older child discipline...
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Robert Brooks, PhDTherapist & Author
Dr. Robert Brooks is a psychologist on the faculty of Harvard Medical School. He has lectured nationally and internationally and written extensively about the themes of resilience, parenting, family relationships, school climate, and balancing our personal and professional lives. He is the author or co-author of 15 books and has also appeared in several videos pertaining to helping children to become more responsible, self-disciplined, hopeful, and resilient.
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