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Personality and Temperament

What Kind Of Child Do You Have?

The greatest gift that a parent can give their child is to help them to understand what their hum is. The hum essentially is what they're born with. What is their emotional DNA? As a parent, I know I have four children, and each child emerged and was soothed a little bit differently. One of the things that's most essential from a parenting perspective is to be able to hear that hum within your child. What soothes them? What makes them smile? What makes them stop crying? Do they like to be rocked? Do they like to be walked? Do they like quiet? Do they like loud? Start to attend to what is your child responding to, so you begin to help them to define what works in their world, so you're continuing to help them to define how their hum is and then how it interacts with everybody else in their given world. Then they're able to meet with success.





Therapist Julie Wright, MFT explains how understanding your child's temperament can help make them happier and more well adjusted
Learn about: How to raise a self-reliant child from Michael Pritchard,...
Karen Khaleghi, PhD, gives parenting advice about how understanding your child can help you soothe them and interact with them
Family Therapist Erica Curtis, LMFT, shares advice for parents on how to help your child when perfectionism and an inner critic gets in his or her way from being more... read more
Wendy T. Behary, LCSW Psychotherapist & Author, shares advice on how and when to use empathetic confrontation when working with narcissists
Wendy Behary, LCSW Psychotherapist and Author, explains the common traits and profile of a narcissistic person
Psychologist & Author David Palmiter, PhD, shares advice for parents on the best way to help your anxious child be calm and overcome their anxious temperament
Watch Connor Barnas's video on Embracing differences in your child...
girl getting ready
As adults, we’re used to being productive; doing things when we need to do them. read more
Cathy Cassani Adams explains how each parent has their own emotional inheritance.
Cathy Cassani Adams shares tips on what to do if you have an angry child.
Given the ever-emerging media coverage and accessible literature on the subject of Narcissism in recent years, with its hefty emphasis on males representing 75% of... read more
I do not believe lazy kids exist. I don’t. read more
The natural course of human events relies on a child striving to please his parents.
Watch Video: Ignoring your child's bad behavior by Vicki Hoefle, ...
See Vicki Hoefle's video on How to change existing negative behavior in children...
Watch Video: Changing a child's set role in the family by Vicki Hoefle, ...
Pastor Jimmy Bartz shares advice for parents on the best methods for dealing with a child who takes lots of risk behavior
Learn about: Parenting tips on how to explain your kid's outbursts from Ross W. Greene, PhD,...
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, explains the best way to teach children how to be mature and resolve their own conflicts by themselves
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, shares advice for parents on the best way to raise children who are happy, confident, and successful in life
See Michael Pritchard's video on How can kids be happier at school?...
See Michael Pritchard's video on Why are kids burned out when they get to high school?...
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, shares his top tips for parents with boys on how to raise your sons to be kind, respectful and, loving men
Michael Pritchard, Child Advocate and Humorist, shares advice for parents on how to help shy kids find their voice and come out of their shell
See Michael Pritchard's video on How can parents measure their children's happiness?...
Expert advice by Rabbi Sherre Hirsch on how to balance one's personal goals and ambitions with your children's' dreams.
Shari Simpson, Parenting Blogger... read more
Psychologist Laura Markham, PhD, shares advice for parents on the best way to help your child to make friends and develop social skills and emotional regulation
Watch Video: How developing autonomy avoids narcissism by Wendy T. Behary, LCSW, ...
See Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Using schema therapy to treat narcissism...
Asha Dornfest, Author of Minimalist Parenting, shares advice for parents on how to recognize the differences between siblings and then customize parenting, discipline,... read more
Watch Video: Types of parenting that can create a narcissist by Wendy T. Behary, LCSW, ...
Psychotherapist & Author Wendy Behary, LCSW, shares advice for parents on when a parents narcissism can be dangerous to a child and how it endangers them
Watch Video: The different masks of narcissism by Wendy T. Behary, LCSW, ...
See Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on How a person becomes a narcissist...
Watch Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Profile of a narcissistic mother...
Learn about: Why is my child drawn to the narcissist from Wendy T. Behary, LCSW,...
View Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Biology vs. parenting style in creating a narcissist...
Wendy Behary, LCSW Psychotherapist & Author, explains the different types of narcissism and the common characteristics that define each type of narcissist
View Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on Teaching narcissists improved communication...
See Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on What is a narcissist?...
Watch Wendy T. Behary, LCSW's video on How narcissism gets passed down...

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