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ADHD Parenting Tips Videos

Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD
Jeremy, age 12, sits in my office flanked by his mother and father.
Edward Hallowell, MD, ADHD Specialist & Author, shares advice for parents on the best method for explaining ADHD to your child
Learn about: Benefit of extracurriculars for kids with learning issues from Angela Gonzales, MD,...
Watch Angela Gonzales, MD's video on Tips to help kids with ADD and ADHD...
special needs children care
Raising a child with special needs can both brim with moments of joy and accomplishment, and at the same time, be loaded with moments of aggravations.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus talks about the importance of a "strength based approach" when dealing with your child's learning disabilities.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus explains that we can avoid getting angry at our child's lack of understanding if we can understand their struggles. This can help us avoid judgement.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus gives great advice on how to deal with your child when they're always interrupting you.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus emphasizes that when communicating with a child with ADHD to be very clear and specific as possible.
Elaina Taylor-Klaus explains the Coach-Approach, which focuses on inspiring and empowering your children instead of focusing on their mistakes.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus explains that children with ADHD will only be able to manage it if their parents understand what they're going through.
Elaine Taylor-Klaus explains effective solutions for dealing with your child's learning disabilities.
Elaina Taylor-Klaus introduces the "3-5 Challenge," which is to imagine your child with ADD or ADHD is developmentally 3-5 years younger than their actual age.
Meet Elaine Taylor-Klaus, founder of and mother of 3.
"You cannot fix Add or ADHD," explains Elaine Taylor-Klaus, "but you can manage it really effectively."
Elaine Taylor-Klaus looks into why your children might be lying to you about simple things on a day-to-day basis and how it's not as malicious as it might seem.
One of the most common things overlooked while raising a child with a learning disability is the parent not taking the time to take care of themselves. In some cases,... read more
John Gray
You probably know someone who has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). You are going to know even more in the years to come.
For years, my son was a tad-bit on the moody side. It was almost as if his moods were always simmering, and you never knew when the pot would escalate to a rapid boil!... read more
Nationally acclaimed speaker and child advocate Michael Pritchard shares great information how parents and kids can overcome dyslexia challenges and ADHD challenges.
Watch Video: The positive "mirror traits" of ADHD by Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD, ...
Watch Video: Giving kids with ADHD more discipline or structure by Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD, ...
Watch Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD's video on Helping kids focus...
Learn about: Helping a child with ADD or ADHD down and focus from Susan Stiffelman, MFT,...
See Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD's video on Physical activity and ADHD...
Learn about: Why empathy helps parents cope with a child's behavior from Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD,...
View Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD's video on Brain exercises that improve attention...
See Kathy Gordon's video on Handling transitions when a child has ADHD...
Educational Psychologist Jane Healy, PhD, shares advice for parents of a child with ADHD on how to help your child succeed and even reduce his or her need for medication
View Angela Gonzales, MD's video on Children with ADD and ADHD and the ability to focus...
Watch Rona Renner, RN's video on Success with ADHD and learning disorders...
View Robert Brooks, PhD's video on Creating resilience in a child with ADHD...
Learn about: Coping with ADHD and learning disorders from Rona Renner, RN,...
Learn about: Tips on dealing with ADD and ADHD from Elsa Chahin,...
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