Using Sound Machines to Help Kids Sleep
We all know how important sleep is? Not only for children but for our sanity right? There are too many things I do to promote healthy sleep. Again, the lights go dim, bath time, the voices are lower, we do the book and all of this stuff. We also do a sound machine, so you know we have a lot of people in our house and once the children are asleep, me and my husband are downstairs. He always likes to put the music on, we have dinner, you know the sound machine really drowns all the noise and its very very soothing for the children and it keeps them in that deep sleep for a longer period of time, thanks to Dr. Harvey Carp. I'm even enjoying sleeping with my sound machine and its so great because when you travel, you can create that same environment for them wherever you go. So I travel with my sound machine, I travel with my sleep sheets, I travel with their favorite little stuffed animal and I have had no problem traveling with them at all because of this.
Ali Landry shares how she uses sound machines to help her kids sleep better, even on the go!
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Ali Landry
Actress, Mompreneur, Mother of Three
Ali Landry found success in Hollywood after being crowned Miss Louisiana and Miss USA. Landry, a small town girl from Louisiana, became a household name as the Doritos spokeswoman and the 1998 Super Bowl heartthrob. She has had recurring roles in “Felicity”, “Two Guys and a girl”, “Sunset Beach” and “Popular.” She is married to writer and director Alejandro Gomez Monteverde. Landry co-starred in his film “Bella” and will appear in his latest film, “Little Boy.” Mother of three kids, Ali created an app,, for fellow moms around the world. is a personalized product discovery app for moms by moms. It is a place to discover new product trends and share your ultimate favorite products. Even though Landry has her plate full as an actress, entrepreneur and mother, she says “I am so fulfilled, I know that I am in the exact place I am supposed to be in, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I could not be happier.”
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