Natural methods for inducing labor

Prenatal Chiropractor Elliot Berlin, DC, shares advice on the best ways to induce labor naturally with chiropractic care, massages, and acupuncture
Natural Ways To Induce Labor - Expert Pregnancy Guide
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Natural methods for inducing labor

There are many reasons towards the end of pregnancy where women either want to or need to go into labor. Sometimes it's a medical reason and they're facing a short window before being medically induced. And sometimes people are just super uncomfortable and ready to have the baby. In our office we use a combination of chiropractic and massage an acupuncture to help. With chiropractic and massage, we can open up the joints and muscles of the pelvis to take away resistance with the baby's natural ability to move down and put pressure against the cervix which is what naturally stimulates labor. Using acupuncture we can stimulate the points that release oxytocin and oftentimes we see women start having contractions right there in our office. And we'll leave them on the acupuncture stimulation for over an hour and oftentimes they'll leave our office and go straight to the hospital or go home and have the baby.

Prenatal Chiropractor Elliot Berlin, DC, shares advice on the best ways to induce labor naturally with chiropractic care, massages, and acupuncture


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Elliot Berlin, DC

Prenatal & Family Chiropractor

Ever since fate flung Dr. Elliot Berlin into the world of prenatal wellness care he has spent a dozen years discovering, perfecting and teaching techniques for improving musculoskeletal function to promote naturally comfortable and healthy pregnancy, labor and delivery. During that time, Dr. Berlin has become a passionate advocate for the preservation and restoration of informed choice in childbirth. Dr. Berlin’s informed pregnancy project is his commitment to compiling and disseminating accurate, unbiased information using every form of media to empower new and expectant parents into becoming active decision makers in their healthcare choices. Berlin Wellness Group has offices in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Sherman Oaks and Orange County. Dr. Berlin lives with his wife, perinatal psychologist Dr. Alyssa Berlin, and their four yummy kiddies in Los Angeles.

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