How to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain

Ling Wong, Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach, shares advice for women on how to avoid gaining excessive weight during pregnancy in order to avoid major health complications and risks during pregnancy and childbirth for mother and baby.
How To Avoid Excessive Weight Gain During Pregnancy
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How to avoid excessive pregnancy weight gain


Well, the first thing you think about is nutrient bang for your calorie bucks. Remember, you only need 300 to 500 calories a day, extra calories a day, during your pregnancy. And that translates into one to two snacks, so don’t go overboard. Eating for two doesn’t mean taking in the calories for two people. So if you eat wholesome and nutritious food and your body is getting all the nutrients that it needs, you will not be craving, you know, you will not be having a lot of cravings and you will not be eating the number of calories more than your body needs to grow the baby. On the other hand, if you eat processed junk food that is devoid of nutrients, your body will persistently seek those missing nutrients, leading to increased cravings.  So remember, try to eat wholesome, fresh food as much as possible. And don’t forget about exercise and especially weight-bearing and resistance training, because as you build muscles, muscles burn more calories than fat.


Ling Wong, Holistic Nutrition & Health Coach, shares advice for women on how to avoid gaining excessive weight during pregnancy in order to avoid major health complications and risks during pregnancy and childbirth for mother and baby.


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Ling Wong, MS, CHC

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach

Ling Wong, MS, CHHC, AADP, is the founder and director of Thoughts For Foods Holistic Health Coaching, and mother of a 21-month-old boy. She is a holistic nutrition and wellness coach specializing in preconception wellness, pre- and post-natal health, as well as mom-focused family nutrition. Ling holds a Master of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and Professional Training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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