Is soft cheese safe to eat during pregnancy?

Nutritionist Del Millers, PhD, shares advice for women about the potential dangers of consuming soft cheese and raw milk during pregnancy
Is Soft Cheese Safe To Eat While Pregnant - Expert Pregnancy Guide
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Is soft cheese safe to eat during pregnancy?

You know, is it safe to eat the soft cheeses during pregnancy. If you live in the United States, chances are, yes, most of your cheeses are going to be safe to eat because all of the cheeses are made from pasteurized milk that's sold in the United States. However, you to keep in mind that if you're buying these things at places like Health Food Stores or farmer's markets, there's a great chance that some of those products are made with raw milk. So you have to keep that in mind. It's not safe because again why take the chance of eating something that is contaminated with bacteria that can have detrimental effects to your unborn baby. Why take that chance when you really don't have to. So I would really recommend that my clients stay away from the soft cheeses. There are so many other products that you could be eating. And it's only for a short period of time.

Nutritionist Del Millers, PhD, shares advice for women about the potential dangers of consuming soft cheese and raw milk during pregnancy


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Del Millers, PhD

Author, Nutritionist

Dr. Del Millers is the founder of and author of eight books on mind-body health and nutrition. A PhD Nutritionist with a Masters degree in psychology, Dr. Del teaches motivation and high performance strategies to busy entrepreneurs and professionals, so that they can make a difference in their lives tomorrow in just ten minutes today.

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