Proactive choices for high risk pregnancies
Watch Video: Proactive choices for high risk pregnancies by Heather Spohr, ...
If you have a high risk pregnancy, the best thing you can do for you and your child is to be informed.
As much as you can, do research on your condition or your child's condition, so that you can make really educated decisions about whatever it is that need to be done to get yourself and your child the best care possible. That might mean spending lots of time researching conditions online and in books. It might mean speaking to other people who have been in the same situation.
For me, it was getting to a hospital that had a Level III NICU, to make sure that my children could have the best care possible. It all is very dependent on what your situation is. The best thing is to just be as informed as possible. You have to have all of the knowledge at your fingertips so you can be the best advocate for yourself and your child.
Watch Video: Proactive choices for high risk pregnancies by Heather Spohr, ...
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Heather SpohrBlogger & Mom
Heather Spohr is a writer and philanthropist who blogs at the award-winning blog, "The Spohrs Are Multiplying". She is a top fundraiser for the March of Dimes and the President and Co-Founder of “Friends Of Maddie,” a charitable organization that supports the families of critically ill babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units. She has spoken at numerous conferences, on CNN, and before members of Congress.
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