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Safety First! Great Jewelry Ideas for Moms of Little Kids

You might love to wear your favorite jewelry but being around kids can make it inappropriate. It doesn’t mean you have to go without looking stylish, though. Here are some tips on how to wear jewelry when you're running around after the kids all day so that you keep your children out of danger.

Make it Shiny, Not Flashy

Here’s Why You Should Never Ignore an Ear Infection

Almost every child experiences ear pain once in a while. However, just because this issue is common doesn’t mean that it’s normal. Just like any other type of pain, ear pain is an indication that there’s something isn’t right in the body. Sometimes, it may even be an indication of a serious problem. If tinnitus is suspected, for families in Southern California an audiologist in Santa Monica is recommended for diagnostic and treatment. 

What Is an Ear Infection?

The Pain We Can’t “See” With Our Eyes

A few days ago I was cooking rice in the kitchen. After tasting it, I saw some fall to the floor. As I leaned down to clean it up, I came back up so fast and not being mindful or connected, I banged my right shoulder on the granite countertop on my way up. Now, being a long time Abraham-Hicks student, I can assure you I was not aligned energetically when this happened. My thoughts and my energy were not completely Prana Boostie!  LOL. I was NOT in the Vortex and I was feeling some heavy heavy resistance. I couldn’t shake it, but I am a Momma and it was dinner time.


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