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Let's Talk About Colic!

Posted August 13, 2015 - 4:18pm

A crying baby with colic can be overwhelming..share your story or tips to get through those colic days, weeks, months...

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I had it tough with my first born.  She was colicky and my husband and I would take turns carrying and rocking her.  She would stop crying for awhile and seem to be sleeping, but when we lay her on her crib, she would begin crying again!  Thankfully, her colic stopped after a month or so

Frugal Minded M...

My 3rd was colicy and if she wasn't eating or sleeping she was crying.  I did find she loved to be in the sling, so if I was making dinner or trying to clean I would put her in it and clean to music.One of the worst times was the car. She hated her car seat and would scream. For that I would just turn on sesame street music and sing really loud, partly to drown out the crying.

Mommy Ramblings

Only one of my 5 had colic and it was rough especially after being spoiled with 2 easy going babies prior. I had to hold him so tight when feeding him a bottle after having to stop nursing at 6 weeks becasue he was even worse nursing. Plus I had to sing at the top of my lungs while doing that for him to take the bottle. It was crazy. He did not sleep at all during the day and I mean at all! He slept at night but the days were rough. It only lasted about three months but he could never be carried face to chest I had to hold him with my arm around his tummy facing out even as an older infant. It was like he was car sick the other way lol. The pressure of my arm on his belly too was another thing he had to have in that type of hold.


Ugh - colic is terrible! We had all kinds of issues with my second. Never really got resolved, even with diet changes and gripe water, and we ended up putting her on reflux meds. It was terrible. She outgrew it thankfully.

Your Kid's Table

I am so grateful that for my three I never had to deal with this! I would strongly suggest looking at diet and making sure that the baby doesn't reflux.