Does your district have public Pre-K in your public school?
Posted August 24, 2015 - 9:16pm
I am in NY we have a public pre-k in our school system. So far there is only one class so all of the kids in district cannot attend. What is your school like?
Hi, in Seattle the only public Pre-K is Head Start which is income based. I think it is a wonderful idea to offer a public part-time Pre-K to prepare the children in the district for Kindergarten, work on school readiness and make friends!
Mommy Ramblings
Oh yes I do believe Head Start is income based and not connected to the public school district. I guess we are lucky to have full day public Pre-K in our school system, even though it is only one class at this time.
I've never seen a public Preschool before. It must be a new thing. I think it's a great idea.
Frugal Minded M...
They offer Pre-K, but it's in the highschool and while there is one teacher, the main helpers are highschoolers taking a child psych class. You do still pay a minimal fee for it.