Do you have a regular babysitter?
Posted September 24, 2015 - 9:26pm
Do you have a go-to person for babysitting that isn't family? What is the going rate for babysitting where you live?
We've always had family until recently. Hubby and I went out for a few hours and left the kids at home with a teen sitter — we all survived! :)
Mommy Ramblings
My kids have never had a baby sitter. My older kids when they were younger I had a friend who was fron Indonesia and she was kind of like a nanny but I was there. My youngest kids have never had a baby sitter. When my older kids were younger my parents were always ready to step up to babysit if need be but I lost them before I had my last 2 and we do not have any family around. That is why my husband and I don't get out together alone.
My oldest had a regular babysitter. She was a friend of the family forever and we'd use her often. After my first, I think we gave up on date night and events that left the child at home. :(
We have a couple girls in the neighborhood we call when we need a sitter, but when they aren't available we are out of luck. For example, I might have to miss my husband's 40th birthday party because they aren't available. #truestory
Oh, I believe it! I was going to miss my hubby's birthday celebration too until we got our first sitter at the last minute! We do that a lot — we go out separately way more often than I'd like. It would be nice to be able to do things together once in awhile and have a trustworthy sitter, but it's expensive too.
Your Kid's Table
Oh my goodness, I hope you find somebody! We go out seperately a lot too! It is just easier a lot of the time, even though it would nice to be together.
Not ideal, but we have the son of a friend who is going to stay with the girls. We've known them a while and are good friends with his mom. The girls will be ready for bed by the time he gets here, so basically he will serve as a responsible-almost-adult to sit in the house with them as they sleep. Literally other person we asked was available because they are all high school girls and all going to Homecoming. I don't understand Homecoming in Texas. I didn't grow up here.
My family is out of state so we always used assistants or teacher at the kid's daycare when they were young and a neighborhood girl once they were a little older. Now my two are old enough to babysit themselves!
Not really...when my son was friend would sometimes watch my son and I would watch hers. Other than that, my mother-in-law does occasiionally watch my son but it is not that often.
Trading is a good idea but I have three kids and most of my friends have less than that or their kids are older so it doens't feel like a fair trade. I don't like asking anyone to watch my kids unless its absolutely necessary!
Same here..I only ask if it is a must! When my son was younger..I think I actually watched my friend's son more than she watched mine. Mother-in-law only watched when absoltely necessary and even a special date night is only like 2 hours...
Frugal Minded M...
Unfortnately this is something we never had. Now that my oldest two are teenagers we are able to get out a little more.
Your Kid's Table
My kids have never had a babysitter outside of our family, we've been really blessed in that way. Even though we have lots of help we try not to take advantage of it.
Looking back, I feel like I really needed it when my kids were younger. I had 3 babies from 2007-2010 but I couldn't stand leaving them, even with family. I know everyone probably would have benefited from it if I had taken some time to recharge with girlfriends. I didn't find MOPS until my oldest 2 were in school — but that would have been so good for me back then!
yes, same here! I didn't really have much help or child care but I think that it would have been a good thing. Most of my family do not live close by except for mother-in-law and certain in-laws had her watching their kids so much, I didn't want to take advantage so it was only every few months-and only when necessary for work or something like that.
Mommy Ramblings
Wow, I thought I was really alone with this but I am not that alone am I?
My daughter usually babysat her brother even though he never really listened to her, but we survived! If I had to go back I def wouldn't do that again. I think it's so important to get some time off by hook or by crook.