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Common Core Curriculum - What are your Thoughts.

Posted September 9, 2015 - 3:46pm

Has your state and school instituted Common Core Curriculum? What are your thoughts on it>

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Your Kid's Table

I hate to admit this, but I don't know.  Our state has, right?

Frugal Minded M...

Yep PA is common core.  Personally, I find some of it totally ridiculous.

Your Kid's Table

I need to educate myself better about it. I've heard bits and pieces and it has never been good.

Mommy Ramblings

Yes we have it and I hate it. The teachers do to and we are having a lot of resistance and protest in our school system which is creating the waves we need to make it know how awful things are. We have many teachers moving away from it and letting kids opt out of testing. 


I understand have a baseline that all children need to meet by the end of a grade. I find these programs (and they seem to cycle through every decade or so with a new name) limiting to teachers and don't address the needs of those falling behind or those gifted ones who are charging ahead!


Is that like the standardized tests they've been using to test proficiency in various subjects?

Frugal Minded M...

No it's a whole change in how things are taught.  If you look at kids math homework it is totally different then how you learned it.  

Your Kid's Table

Okay, I have heard about that... I'm not there yet, but it sounds intimidating. Not looking forward to it! 


Ugh! I miss the days before Common Core. We have taken to Facebook so many nights trying to get anyone to help us figure out what the heck we're suppose to be doing. I've had to write notes to teachers admitting we know the answer but can't get to it with the method stated. My dad use to always tell me growing up that the great thing about Math is that it never changes...Common Core proved him wrong! 

Frugal Minded M...

So true - It definitely changed.


I have seen some of the common core Math and not crazy about it. I much prefer how Math was taught before common core.

Mommy Ramblings

See I am wondering how my son's teacher will be this year because the one last year let them solve the math any way they wanted as long as they arrived at the right answer. Given my husband is a mathematics professer we think it is nuts how they are teaching them. However my friend says her daughter is doing so well with it. We are newly into it and like I said there is a lot of rebelling against it from teachers, parents and kids so I am not sure how it is all going to play out in the coming years.

Frugal Minded M...

I truley feel they are trying to turn every kids into the same thing.  I say how happy I am that my son who has auditory processing disorder and a real problem with getting his thoughts on paper, is a senior.  If he had to do math and reading the way my 3rd grader is now there is no way he would have made it through.@mommy Ramblings - On my son's tests last year they would be told Solve it using this method and if they did it another way they would get it wrong.  I think that's ridiculous.  Everybody learns different.


yes, I agree...everyone does learn differently!