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Making kids clean their room

Posted January 9, 2017 - 9:33pm

My girl is 7 years old and she likes to keep her bed messy with her toys, books, and dirty clothes. She doesn’t mind even sleeping over it. I don’t know whether this is the perfect time to stop her doing that. My husband says she is still young to take care of this. I read an article on how to make kids clean their rooms. [ ] Is there any other mom who is thinking exactly the same as I do? I feel irritated when she makes her room clumsy. What do you have to say? Share your valuable tips and suggestions.

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I still haven't met a kid who likes to clean its room. :D In my house, we have a rule that anytime they make their rooms they get a dollar for that. And since we almost completely stopped buying them toys from our money they have to earn it themselves and buy whatever they want.   


I theoritically agree with kids helping out. I practically haven't convinced mine to do all the work they can. I have also written a post about it in my blog, you can check it out here. Tell me what you think about it,too


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