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See the doctor from your computer.

Posted October 8, 2015 - 11:15pm

Have you guys even seen a medical doctor or psychologist from your computer?

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No but I have wondered about that...have you?


I have not. I always wondered how it worked. I could understand a psychologist on skype maybe, but a doctor?

Frugal Minded M...

I've heard about it, but wonder how it could really be any different then Web MD.  So I haven't tried it.


I would rather the doctor do a physical. I think diagnosing without that is foolish.


The only thing that I trust is emailing with my regular doctor instead of making an office visit. I wouldn't trust someone I hadn't met or made a relationship with.


There was a webiste awhile back that I saw..that had Pediatrician's on it and you could ask them questions. But, yes, I think for anything major..I would feel more comfortable going into the office.


I've heard of it and think I would be as comfortable with it as I'd be calling a nurses hotline but I wouldn't use it in place of a regular doctor visit or for anything of real concern.


I keep getting notices from my insurance company about trying it out, but I don't think I'd be a fan of doing this. I don't know how it could be considered a true exam if the doctor can't see you in person. I hope this is not going to become a thing.


I tend to agree unless it is minor things or questions. But, not for physicals and major stuff.