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Kids in the House Tour

Glad to be able to connect with other parents.

Posted August 24, 2015 - 9:01pm

Hi Everyone,

I am a mom of 5 awesome kids that range from young adult to six years old. I had three kids very close and then a big space and my last 2 are very close. It makes for an interesting and fun family dynamic. To say the least something is always going on. I live in upstate NY now. Not too far upstate though. I am a work at home mom. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

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It is nice to meet you. I am also a wahm. What do you do? My three boys are close in age, which makes things fun yet stressful at times, but I think it was a good idea to have them close together. 

Your Kid's Table

I'm a mom of three boys too! Although my last two are 3 years apart because it was so hard on me having the first two so close together! I give you lots of props.


Welcome! What do you do in your at home work? I have dabbled with the idea of trying to work from home and am interested in how moms make money and not have to work outside of the home. You must be one busy lady!


Hi!Nice to meet you! I am also a work at home mom and have one child who is 11 years old.  


Hi!  I wish I could be a work at home mom, too...


Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm sure you stay very busy with 5 kiddos!


I love the dynamics of your family...we have three close together, then a big space and three more close together. I love big families!

Frugal Minded M...

Hi.  I too have five with quite a bit of spacing.  The first 4 are each 2 1/2 to 3 year apart and number 5 is another 5 years later.  It wasn't because she was a surprise either.  What made the gap was how much homework my oldest was needing help with when the #4 was 2.  I do find having such a big spread makes it a challenge to know what group of moms I best fit with.


Welcome to Kids in the House!  You definitely have your hands full!  I'm excited to get to know you better.

Mommy Ramblings

Thank you Courtney, welcome to you. Hope you enjoy it here.