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Are you naturally a morning person or a night owl?

Posted August 29, 2015 - 12:28am

So are you a person that cannot wait for the sun to rise or are you most comfortable and productive burning that midnight oil? If you are married, what is your spouse?

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Frugal Minded M...

I don't think I'm really either.  I like to (but usually don't get to) sleep until about 8 am and go to bed between 10 or 11 at the latest.  My husband is a night owl and most times stays up later then me.


I used to be a night owl, but as I get older I have trouble sleeping lately. I still don't really wake up mentally until 10am.


Night owl for sure! If I had my way I would stay up until 2am and sleep until 10 am. Unfortunately, I teach and school begins at 8am! How about you?


Night Owl!


I use to be a night owl...but the older I get, the more rest I seem to need!


I'm a night owl. My husband is not. How did we ever make that work? ha!


I am definitely a night owl. Sometimes I have to push myself to get in bed. Since I work from home, I find that I am the most productive after the kids are in bed. During the school year, I do get up extra early too, so I can have a good start to the day and keep a strict schedule.


I used to be a night owl but it seems that since I wake so early to get things done before my son wakes up..I'm more of a morning person now. We also have a newer puppy that wakes up by 6 am..


I am definitely a night owl.  I don't like to be bothered before 7 am — preferably later and I am most creative and productive at night, coincidentally (or not!) when the kids are in bed.  I rarely go to bed before midnight.Hubby on the other hand, is a morning person.  It works for us because I get quiet time when he goes to bed (usually around 9) and he is up pretty early for work.  On the weekends he's usually up before me by 30 mins to an hour and gives him time to spend with the kids since I work from home and am with them all the time :)