Spring has sprung, and it is time to get out and enjoy your time with your family. With sunny days and blue skies ahead, you can have outdoor fun. There’s no shortage of various beautiful things to do! If you're looking for ideas to enjoy Spring with your family, we’ve got you covered.
1. Play A Game of Mini Golf
Mini-golf is fun for the whole family, and what's more, little kids can play it too. Mini-golf is sometimes also available at large golf courses so that the kiddies have something to keep them busy while the grownups play some golf. Golf carts run at a top speed of about 15 to 20 MPH, but the custom project that holds the world record as the fastest golf cart hit 118 MPH. If you’re out with your children, be mindful of any carts on the course.
2. Work in the Garden With Your Children
Teaching your children about beautiful flowers, trees, insects, and nature is wonderful. We can teach them to respect nature and nurture it. Soil is an important medium for your garden and plants, so these weight ratios come in handy when looking to plant flowers and trees. The correct soil ratio to compost and plant food is important when growing trees and small flowers. Soil weighs between 70 and 150 pounds per square foot.
3. Get Crafty On Those Rainy Spring Days
April showers bring May flowers! If you find yourself stuck inside on a rainy day, you and your kids can enjoy some indoor fun instead. Why not indulge in some crafts and art and encourage them to let their imagination flow by painting pictures and coloring? Watercolors are fantastic and versatile for children to use on any paper surface. From making cutout flowers to beading bracelets, it is time well spent. Hand and finger painting is another exciting and fun art venture for you and your kids.
4. Have Fun With Bubbles
Kids love bubbles, and they make a wonderful outdoor activity. It is colorful, bright, and fascinating. You can make your bubble mixture with some dish soap and water. When using a larger bubble ring, you can make bigger bubbles that are even better and add more fun to the experience. The ratio of mixing with the soap measured in a bowl is about one teaspoon and one teaspoon of glycerine.
5. Throw a Party With Flowers Galore
Flowers are a Spring thing, and we all look out for those blossoming blooms at the start of Spring. You can enjoy this bloomy time with a party themed in flowers. Even if it wasn't a birthday party, but something you and your family did for fun at home, go ahead and enjoy it. You can have flower cupcakes and flower wreaths for everyone to wear.
6. Plan a Spring Holiday Getaway
If you run your own business from home, consider saving up for a Spring holiday with your kids. Research has shown content marketing can lead to an estimated 40% increase in revenue for businesses, so optimizing your marketing strategy can help you bring in some extra cash before you begin jet-setting. Consider going somewhere that offers plenty of outdoor activities, like hiking or swimming.
7. Make Spring-filled Treats
When it comes to treats in Spring, you can involve the kids and make some fun stuff to eat, like a bird's nest with pretzels and easter egg chocolates for eggs. Make a refreshing mango smoothie with sorbet ice cream or plain yogurt. You can also go with a mixed berry variation; before you know it, it's a tasty drink for those warmer days.
Furthermore, you can enjoy a day at the beach, a picnic outdoors, build a bird feeder, a spring scavenger hunt, and lots more. Have you tried any of these Spring family fun activities? Which of these was your favorite?