If you are a working parent or travel a lot while your little one stays at home, we understand that you may be constantly worried about your child’s health and safety. Kids are prone to accidents as they run around and play or even as they stay indoors.
If you have someone to watch over your child until you finish your business and return home, you undoubtedly already have instructions in place in the event of an emergency. Whether a grandparent, babysitter, trusted friend, daycare center, or teacher is in charge of your kid, you need protective measures for your peace of mind.
If your child must be rushed to the hospital for urgent medical care, it can be tough for any caregiver to make decisions regarding their medical treatment on your behalf. This is why you need a child medical consent form.
Let us delve into what a child consent form is and why it is important.
What Is a Child Medical Consent Form?
A child medical consent form is a legal document that clearly states consent for medical treatment in emergency medical situations until you can step in to manage the situation. It transfers your decision-making authority regarding your child’s health and wellbeing to other caregivers when you are not around.
This simple document ensures that your child will get the medical care they need even if you’re unavailable at the time. It will prevent delays in medical treatment and help your child recover faster instead of the healthcare provider having to wait for your consent.
A child medical consent form also goes by the following names:
Authorization for Minor’s Medical Treatment
Authorization to Consent to Medical Treatment
Caregiver Medical Consent Form
Consent for Medical Treatment of a Minor
Consent to Treat Minor Children
Emergency Medical Consent Form
Medical Authorization for Minor
Medical Release Form
Medical Treatment Authorization Form
Minor Medical Consent Form
Parental Medical Consent Form
Why Is a Child Medical Consent Form Important?
Many people think that hospitals are obliged to treat everyone who comes in. But that is not always true, especially in the case of children.
Many emergency rooms and urgent care facilities will refuse to treat children unless a parent is present, a parent has provided written consent, or the child’s life is at risk. Although initial health screenings will be done in the emergency room, medical treatment will only be given without explicit parental consent if the child’s life is in mortal danger.
Note that medical consent forms fall under a healthcare power of attorney’s jurisdiction. It gives minors quick access to medical treatment by giving their caregivers the ability and authority to make critical medical decisions on their behalf until their parents can take over.
As you can see, child medical consent forms help keep your child safe and healthy in case of an emergency. So you must provide a consent form to whoever cares for your child regularly.
Considerations When Filling Out the Form
If you search online, you can easily find many different templates for child medical consent forms. LawDistrict’s pre-prepared form template and easy-to-follow instructions can guide you through each step you need to take.
You can quickly fill out all the required details and sidestep common mistakes that people make while preparing a child's medical consent form.
Make sure to mention all crucial health information, such as your child’s medical history, that their caregiver and any medical personnel should know. State your medical wishes, details as to how and when to use the form, the authority granted by it, and other relevant information.
The form should also include your primary and secondary insurance information.
If you share legal custody or parenting responsibilities with another person, state their information as well. Discuss the form with them and share a copy if they are contacted about it.
What to do with the completed medical consent form
Once you fill in the form and double-check it, you need to print multiple copies and sign them in the presence of two witnesses.
Once that’s done, get the copies notarized in order to put the child's medical consent form into effect. If you share custody of your child with someone else, arrange to get the form notarized together.
Keep the copies in different places so that you can easily access them whenever needed. Provide your child’s caregivers, school, or daycare center with one copy each.
If any of the information stated in the child medical consent form changes over time, such as your contact details, health insurance plan, or caregiver details, update everything accordingly and get it signed and notarized once again. All of the details on the form must be accurate to be valid in an emergency situation.