Drug addiction is a sad but not uncommon part of teen life. It's a time of their lives when they are keen to try new things, more likely to rebel against the world, and susceptible to peer pressure. Drug abuse is an easy choice where substances are accessible. Unfortunately, many forms are also highly dangerous and addictive. That's why it's so important for teens to get into addiction therapy and effective outpatient care. So, how can outpatient care make a difference to teens in this condition?
Getting Teens Into Addiction Treatment
Substance abuse comes in many forms for teenagers and young adults. We tend to think of drug addiction as a dependency on hard drugs like cocaine or heroin. But there's also the risk of a range of other substances, such as bath salt, nitrous oxide, prescription drugs, and stimulants.
The first step is admitting there is a problem. Loved ones need to take a considered approach to bring up the subject in a caring and compassionate way. Once parents, teachers, and other advocates can get teens to admit they have a problem, the next step is therapy. An effective addiction treatment facility can guide teens away from dependency and back to a healthy and productive life.
The Different Stages Of Addiction Treatment
There are three main stages of addiction treatment at the best care facilities for teens. It all starts with time in an inpatient program or a more intensive treatment program at the center. Ideally, we want addicted teens to have the support and familiarity of a home environment alongside their treatment in addition to rehabilitation. Moving into a facility full-time can be unnecessarily stressful. However, teams have to consider the negative influences at home, such as abusive parents or easy access to substances.
Intensive day treatments can be tough and require a lot of commitment. Teens are expected to be at the facility for their treatment for as much as 5 hours a day on weekdays. This could last for a month or more, depending on the patient's progress.
Then comes outpatient care, which is less demanding but just as important. Patients can come in maybe once a week for a group session to stay on track while working towards better things outside the facility. Eventually, this will be reduced to occasional aftercare sessions where they meet monthly. At this point, they should be on top of their recovery and unlikely to relapse. However, the ongoing support and connections to their peers can make this much easier.
What Can Teenagers Gain From Outpatient Treatment Programs
The outpatient side of these treatment programs is vital to get the best out of the patient. It would be irresponsible to give teenagers all that inpatient support and then drastically cut down that access after they leave. The outpatient process bridges the gap between intensive care with skilled professionals and normal life in the outside world. The best recovery facilities do this by offering the following.
1) Tools for dealing with potential relapses
Relapse prevention strategies depend on the experiences and needs of the patient. However, there are some underlying principles that therapists use. Away from counseling and one-on-one therapy, they may recommend other social environments that act as a support system. Teens in a similar situation with common interests can build each other up through gaming, sports, and more.
Another important thing is that patients are aware of their triggers at all times. Again, this will vary from case to case. But there will be something that exacerbates the desire to go back to a substance. Those who can recognize the trigger and find an alternative outlet for their feelings can succeed. Finding a distraction and staying busy is a good start.
2) Tools for dealing with mental health issues
Diet and exercise plans can also ease potential mental health issues that arise away from the outpatient groups. The chance to build a new life creates a lot of pressure, which means stress and anxiety. The right coping tools and social experiences can help.
It is common for outpatient teams to recommend certain forms of meditation and exercise to help distract the mind. Team sports can give teens a sense of belonging and purpose, while also making them feel a lot healthier and confident.
3) Help with the next stage of life
This last point is just as significant for the long-term success of teenage outpatients. It is far too easy for teens to feel like failure with no hope. How often have they been told that taking drugs ruined their life? The support services at outpatient groups in a recovery center for teens can show that isn't the case. The right resources for education and work opportunities can make a difference. Teens who get into work placements and commit to their responsibilities may start to find some hope again. Or, maybe they can find a way to complete their education and catch up with the life they always wanted.
Helping Kids One Step At A Time.
The specifics of these programs and treatment plans will vary from patient to patient. Some will need more help in some areas than others. It could be that the initial inpatient work and outside support are so strong that the patient doesn't feel the need to relapse. However, there will be times when patients feel triggered by certain influences and need additional help.
The ultimate aim is to get them into a more low-key form of aftercare and a position of strength. Eventually, they will be strong enough to handle their sobriety and enjoy a fresh start. Until then, the facility and its team will be there with the support needed. If that means another period of inpatient care, so be it.
Anyone struggling with teen drug addiction in their family should look into the potential for these recovery services. Start with an effective day treatment plan, build a solid foundation for the future with outpatient care, and then work towards a brighter future.