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Preparing Your Home for a New Addition to the Family

crib nursery

New parents often find that their nesting instincts start to kick in sometime around the third trimester, but you might want to get a head start well before then. Getting your home ready for your newborn is a great way to start thinking like a parent, and you’ll be happy you did it when you’re too tired from late-night feedings to do much organizing. You can start your preparations by using this checklist to make sure everything is ready for the big day.

Plan Where to Set Up the Nursery

Having a dedicated place for the baby to sleep makes things easier. If your house has several available rooms, then you might want to pick the one closest to your bedroom. Or, you may decide to keep the baby in your room if you lack space for a full nursery or just want to keep them extra close. Some families set up two nursery areas. For example, you might pick a room for your baby to sleep in full-time as they get older but place a bassinet in your room for now.

Clear Space for Your Newborn’s Gear

Babies tend to require a lot of equipment. Just getting out of the house with a stroller, diaper bag, and car seat can feel like quite the feat. This is the perfect opportunity to clear out items that you don’t need every day. Find affordable self storage in San Diego and other major cities to store your holiday decor, knickknacks, and other belongings until you’re ready to bring these items back to your house.

Pick Out the Furniture and Storage Items

You’re going to want a crib, but there are many different styles from which to choose. New parents also sometimes overlook that they might need to add other types of furniture to their homes. A rocking recliner or glider is perfect for soothing your baby back to sleep and nursing. You may also need new drawers, an extra shelving unit, and other types of furniture that you can use to store all of the baby supplies.

Start Creating an Organizational System

With your storage systems in place, you can start deciding where you want to put specific items. Many parents prefer to dedicate a kitchen cabinet shelf to all baby’s bottles and other feeding supplies. You might also want to pick out a drawer in the nursery to hold diapers, onesies, and those tiny little socks. Knowing where everything is will come in handy when you’re rushing to do a diaper change or make a bottle. A place for everything and everything in its place!

Add Some Decorative Touches

Now, you’re ready to have a little fun. Adding some sweet pieces of decor makes your arrangements more comfortable, and you’ll love dressing things up for your newborn’s arrival. You might add a soft rug to the floor where you can do tummy time with your baby. Wall art gives your baby something to look at in their environment. You can also use essentials, such as crib sheets, to bring out the nursery theme.

Finish It Out by Babyproofing

After all of that hard work, you still have one more very important thing to do. It is never too soon to babyproof since babies often make giant leaps in their development before you know it. Get down on the ground and look around from a baby’s perspective. If you see any hazards, such as cords, then deal with them right away. You can also put in outlet covers and cabinet locks now to avoid having to worry about it later. Finally, give your house a good cleaning. Clearing away dust and wiping down high-touch surfaces gives you the reassurance that you’ll bring your baby home to a safe environment.

A clean, organized home is essential for helping your baby to stay healthy and safe. You’ll also find that giving your baby room to move around stimulates their development. Once you’ve got everything set up, you’ll be ready to bring your baby home and start introducing them to your family.