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Is Your Home (And Family) Ready For The Cold Months Ahead? 

family house ready for winter

Climate change has had a significant impact on the weather. This summer encompassed some of the most extreme temperatures and brutal storms in history. Although fall is just a few weeks away, you can expect more of the same as the colder months begin. Meteorologists and other science experts predict that the nation will experience some of the lowest temperatures and damaging storms. While the most effective solution is to develop a plan that steadies climate change, other recommendations include ensuring that your home and family are prepared for what lies ahead. 

Start With The House

If overlooking or postponing home maintenance and repairs is common, you may want to reconsider. The last thing you want is to have a residence that does nothing to provide protection or comfort during some of the coldest months of the year. How do you know if your home is ready? Consider these questions below. 

Is Your Roof Intact?

Inspect your roof. Your roof doesn't function efficiently if there are holes, missing shingles, or damaged gutter systems. This could lead to leaks, water damage, and mold growth. It also causes you to crank up the heater to keep cool, causing your energy bill to skyrocket. Have your roof serviced (or replaced) before the cold season begins to ensure you and your kids are safe and comfortable over the next few months.  

Is Your Home Weatherized?

Weatherizing your home can help regulate temperatures, increase comfort, and save money. You can use a few methods to improve your property’s efficiency. The most basic and affordable solution is to place plastic on the windows, seal holes, and install weather stripping around doors. However, more permanent solutions include installing energy-efficient windows, fixing foundational issues to minimize cracks and holes, and hiring a roofer to repair your roof. Lastly, you should consider having new insulation installed. Additionally, choosing San Diego driveway pavers can ensure your driveway is weather-resistant and better equipped to handle seasonal changes.

Does Your Heating System Work?

It’s been several months since you’ve had to crank on the heat. During that time, anything could happen that results in your heating system not working correctly when needed. If you notice loud noises, foul odors, or other issues, these are red flags you don’t want to overlook. Have your HVAC unit serviced, repaired, or replaced by a professional in the upcoming weeks to avoid the hassle of malfunctioning heat when the temperatures drop below zero. 

Is Your Home Pest-Proof?

Thoroughly clean your house from top to bottom. If you have an attic or crawl space, you may want to have them professionally cleaned. Reduce clutter and organize your belongings in secure bins. Seal holes and other access points. Trim your trees and shrubs and complete essential yard maintenance. Lastly, consider hiring pest control services to identify problem areas and provide safe solutions.

Prepare The Family

Although your everyday activities and routines will persist, most families spend more time at home when it’s cold outside. Along with ensuring you have a safe and warm residence, you also want to prepare your loved ones. Below are some suggestions.

Evaluate Wardrobes

Do you and your children have the necessary clothing to make it through the colder season? As you know, kids tend to grow quickly. They also have a tendency to damage clothing. Therefore, you want to inspect their fall and winter wardrobe to ensure everything fits (and is intact). If you need to purchase clothing, outerwear, shoes, or accessories, start shopping for deals online early to get the best deals.

Health Checkups And Vaccines

While health problems and sicknesses can occur throughout the year, the colder seasons cause the most issues. Schedule medical appointments for your kids to evaluate their physical and emotional well-being. If necessary, get any prescriptions filled and ask about the latest vaccines to protect against common illnesses like the flu or COVID-19.

Load Up on Entertainment

Boredom, winter blues, and cabin fever are all common occurrences when the temperatures drop. Help yourself, and your family avoid feeling down by loading up on entertainment. Chances are you already have tech devices like computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, and gaming consoles. So, invest in some new games, download books, or purchase streaming services to keep yourself entertained. 

During stormy days, it’s great to have things you can enjoy without the internet or electricity. Board games, kids subscription boxes, cards, and board games can help pass the time. 

Stock Up On Non-Perishable And Emergency Items

When the weather is bad, people rush to the nearby stores to grab food, medications, and other emergency supplies. Unfortunately, that means there’s often very little available. Save yourself and your family the trouble by stocking up on non-perishable and emergency items. 

Canned goods, boxed meals, bottled water, juice, and snacks with an extended shelf life are ideal. You should also purchase common medicines like cough syrup, flu and cold tablets, and pain pills. Lastly, ensure that you have first aid supplies and emergency items like flashlights, candles, and batteries. 

When the weather gets colder and the days get longer, most people like to retreat to their homes for shelter, comfort, and convenience. If you haven’t done so already, now is the perfect time to prepare your home and family so you can withstand whatever mother nature has in store.