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How to Define If It Is Time to Change the Windows in Your Apartment?

windows install

Each owner of an apartment sooner or later faces the question of whether to change windows or wait. Quite often, the installation of new windows is postponed, since this issue seems not critical, there is a lack of time and financial resources. However, there are also situations when it makes no sense to put off replacements. In this article, we will review the situations when it is simply impossible to postpone them.

Old wooden windows

Even with regular care, old wooden windows may simply become obsolete. Restoration of old wooden frames will create a lot of trouble, apply significant material costs, and the achieved effect will be uncertain. Do not forget that an important component of the design is the fittings. Fittings in old wooden windows cannot be adjusted, so it is impossible to eliminate operational troubles, such as difficult turning of the handle. In this case, a replacement is definitely needed. Do not hesitate to order windows replacement in Ottawa with professional installation.  

Energy efficiency

The rapidly growing tariffs for energy resources made everyone think about energy savings. Installing high-quality energy-saving windows allows you to reduce heating costs by 25-35%. If you are the owner of an apartment with individual heat meters, then replacing windows (even plastic windows of the first wave of installation) with modern energy-saving structures is necessary now!

Plastic windows of the first wave of installation, as a rule, are in a poor state today. This is because having appeared on the market, they did not have any standards regarding their quality and installation process. The first plastic windows were made of low-quality PVC, used dubious fittings, etc. The feasibility of replacing them with modern plastic structures is determined after assessing the technical condition. 

How to assess the condition of your windows?

The first and most important criterion for evaluating plastic windows is the state of the profile. The decision on a complete replacement will depend on this. What should you pay attention to?

  1. The geometric parameters of the frame: the window should not have visible distortions, and the vertical and horizontal levels must be observed. The plastic profile should not have chips, cracks, and breaks in the mounting joints. 

  2. The double-glazed window is damaged or depressurized. This can be determined by the presence of moisture or stains inside;

  3. Single-chamber window. For severe weather conditions, a single-chamber window is not enough.

  4. A yellowed or grayed color of plastic windows indicates poor quality of raw materials. 

If the window profile has no defects, then it is worth further evaluating the quality of glazing and fittings to decide on repairing. In each of the above-mentioned options, it is necessary to replace the double-glazed window with a new one.