In 2024, there were approximately 12.9 million custodial parents in the United States, which is about 4% of the total population. On average, mothers receive about 65% of custody time, while fathers receive about 35%.
When a family is going through a divorce or separation, one of the most critical and emotional issues that arises is child custody. The children's safety and best interests should always be prioritized during divorce. Parents may struggle to handle the complicated and difficult process of determining child custody without the help of a legal professional.
Glendale child custody lawyer Patricia Rigdon says that lawyers can serve as your trusted advisors, providing legal assistance to properly address issues with child custody and guarantee the child’s welfare. Child custody lawyers use their knowledge to defend the rights of their clients and their children in court.
This article will demonstrate the ways a child custody lawyer efficiently advocates for the rights of their clients during divorce.
Understanding Child Custody Laws
Legal custody involves child care decisions, whereas physical custody involves the child's primary residence.
A child's best interests should be considered. This means that when courts make a decision, they will consider age, closeness to each parent, and the stability of the living arrangement.
The various types of custody include sole custody and joint custody. Under sole custody, the rights to the custody belong to one parent. Meanwhile, joint custody grants both parents equal responsibilities for the child.
International child abduction lawyer David N. Schaffer says most custody issues are handled in family court. He says that in some cases, a parent may take or threaten to take a child abroad in violation of a custody order. International child abduction lawyers exist to handle these kinds of cases.
A clear understanding of child custody laws will allow you to make informed decisions and uphold your rights as a parent.
The Role of a Child Custody Lawyer
It is recommended to hire a child custody lawyer to protect your rights and promote the child's best interests in custody disputes.
These legal professionals understand everything about custody laws and will guide you all throughout the legal process. They will diligently work on your case and assist you with presenting your position, collecting evidence, interviewing witnesses, and representing you in court.
Your lawyer helps you negotiate with the other parent to arrive at a mutual agreement that still considers the best interests of your children.
Crafting a Custody Agreement
A custody agreement is a critical requirement when it comes to arranging for your child’s custody needs. Initiate the process by talking openly to your co-parent about your preferences.
Talk to your ex-spouse about housing arrangements, visitation schedules, and decision-making rights. Be flexible and ready to compromise during these discussions.
Actively involving your children, if possible and appropriate, can help them feel heard, reduce anxiety, and adjust more smoothly to the new custody arrangements.
A family law attorney can help you draft an agreement that is legally compliant and meets all of your children’s needs.
Representing Your Interests in Court
Once you have reached a custody agreement, a child custody attorney will argue your case in court. They might bring up evidence, call up witnesses, and prepare you for questions that will give you peace of mind when facing the court.
Their expertise and knowledge of family law help them articulate your rights and secure the most advantageous outcome for you.
Ensuring Your Child's Best Interests Are Met
A competent child custody lawyer knows that meeting your child’s best interests is important. They will help you make decisions that focus on the child's physical, emotional, and educational needs.
Child custody attorneys help both parties communicate about their child's well-being. Rather than focusing on personal sorrows or grievances, the emphasis should be on improving communication channels to benefit the child.
The attorney will prioritize custody arrangements that provide the most stability, whether through joint custody, shared custody, or sole custody, while always keeping the children's best interests in mind.