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General Guide To Picking Kids' Shoes

kids shoes

Since no two children's feet are alike, it's critical to consider a child's foot's overall form while choosing footwear. It's vital to remember that children's feet don't fully develop until they are about 18 years old. 

This implies that children are vulnerable to having their feet malformed by improperly fitted footwear throughout their youth. Kids should have footwear that is comfortable and, at the same time, beneficial for them.

Keep reading this guide to help you in choosing the right footwear for your kids.

Importance of Getting the Right Shoes

It is crucial to measure your children's feet to safeguard their foot development for years to come. You must ensure your child has their feet measured with the proper size and type of footwear. At worst, improperly fitting shoes could result in chronic foot issues like ulcers and blisters.

Here are other reasons why getting the right shoes for your kids is important:

1. Rapid Foot Size Growth

Knowing when to get them a new pair of shoes is challenging because their feet develop quickly. A toddler's feet will expand by around half a size every three months until they are three. However, purchasing shoes a few sizes too big isn't always a good idea. Kids who wear oversized shoes are more likely to fall over and develop foot issues.

2. Ease of Use

Some parents are very aware of the value of time every day. Entangled laces are the last thing they need in the morning rush to school. New Balance offers kids everyday shoes with velcros for an easy fastening system. However, your child's shoes should include some sort of lace if you want to accommodate growth.

3. Flexibility of Shoes

Children's shoes should have solid, thick soles that will shield your child's feet from harm. Your child's feet won't develop as healthily if the soles are excessively rigid or soft. Shoes with soft bottoms are best for light play, while those with harder soles are better for active play, although stiff soles and materials do not support squirming and stretching.

4. Comfort

Ill-fitting shoes can hamper a child's normal growth and comfort. Deformity, weakness, and loss of mobility can be brought on by rigid and constrictive footwear. Additionally, high-quality fabrics will wick away sweat, keep feet dry, and cool while playing. The correct materials will lessen foot soreness and odor.

Things to Consider When Buying Kids’ Shoes

It's possible that you won't notice that your child needs new shoes until they complain about them. Make sure your children's shoes are still appropriate for them by routinely inspecting them. Here are some tips for choosing the right shoes for your kid:

1. Never let your kid wear shoes that are too big or small, and ensure that all of their shoes fit properly.

2. Purchase shoes intended to be used by your youngster for that purpose.

3. Perspiration can escape through the shoe's surface thanks to its breathable linings, which keep feet dry, healthy, and fresh.

4. The proper fasteners, including riptape and buckles, provide precise adjustment to aid in optimal shoe fit.

5. Small shoes that are specifically shaped to fit the contour of a child's foot and include the vital growing space.

6. To allow feet to breathe, choose footwear with natural linings like leather and socks made primarily of natural fibers.

7. Since no two pairs of feet are the same size or form, avoid passing on shoes from one youngster to the next.


Regarding your kids’ feet, shoes are a key component. According to research, most forefoot issues arise from poorly designed footwear. Remember that every child is different and grows at their own pace. You must comprehend your child's growth and the appropriate footwear for each stage.