Because Breastfeeding is advocated strongly by pediatricians all across the world, it has become even more important to focus on breast bumps and flange that not only make pumping easy but efficient as well. Using a breast pump may become uncomfortable if the flange size is not the right one. An improper size reduces the amount of milk expressed,, clogged milk ducts, and soreness. Being a working mother makes things even tougher to cope up with. A mother has a lot to deal with and the last thing anyone wants her to struggle with is milk pumping.
For finding the right flange size you must know what a flange is. The breast flange fits directly over the nipple to form a seal that creates the vacuum to gently express breast milk.
When the flange size is just right, a mom can feel comfortable while feeding, and could definitely prolong the feeding duration, thereby encouraging a health child and a healthy mother. This makes it easy to feed your baby; the flange must be picked up based on the facts about the nipple diameter, suction preference, nipple elasticity and milk output. In the hope to educate and spread awareness, we have curated the below infographic showing how one can find the right flange size. Read along!