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A Practical Guide to Selecting a Care Home for Your Parent

elderly care home 2023

It's never easy confronting the fact that someone close to you may be safer and healthier if they move into a care home. This is particularly difficult when it's a parent. If you have found yourself in this situation, it's time to start researching care homes that are suitable for your parent's needs. This guide will give you practical advice about finding the right care home for your parents.


Ask for Recommendations and Information

If you know someone with a family member in a care home, talk to them about their experience and ask for recommendations. Some people may have had a negative experience in one place and so helped move their relative to somewhere better. Asking around is a fantastic way to simplify the search.

Decide Which Areas Would Be Best

An efficient method for narrowing down your options is to think about which areas are worth looking at. Most people have an easier time settling into a care home when they are familiar with the location. For example, if your parent is comfortable with Banstead, then look for a care home in Banstead. Decide which areas would make sense for your parent. Only if absolutely necessary should you start to look at care homes far from where your parent is accustomed to living.

Write Down Your Top Criteria

What does your parent need most when they move into a care home? Do they need top-of-the-range wheelchair accessibility? Do they require specific amenities and facilities? Do they prefer specific activities? While almost every care home strives to make itself as comfortable and welcoming as possible to every resident, this doesn't mean every care home offers the same features. Talk to your parent about what they are looking for most in a care home, whether that's a large bedroom, a resident pet, or amazing food.

Look at the Fees

Regardless of where the money comes from, you will need to know how much your chosen care home will cost. This is important information to gather from each care home you look at, as it might help make the final decision.

Consider First Impressions

Visit your shortlist of care homes and pay close attention to your first impressions. How do you feel when you walk up to the front door? Do the residents seem relaxed and content? What's the atmosphere of the rooms? On paper, two care homes may seem extremely similar; however, you might feel completely different about them during your visits.

Read Reviews

Go online and read the reviews of different care homes to better understand what's out there. These will either be written by residents or the families of residents. Unlike the marketing materials for each care home, reviews are honest and more trustworthy.

When it becomes clear that your parent would be better off in a care home, it's up to you to find a place that offers everything your parent needs. Ask other people for recommendations, consider different locations, know what you're looking for, think about cost, listen to your instant reaction, and read online reviews. This is how you narrow down your search and find the best care home for your parent.