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A Guide to Dressing Classy – 10 Style Tips

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Your clothes say much about you, so you should know you are making a statement whenever you put something on. One statement you could make with your clothes is to showcase your class.

When you examine your wardrobe, how would you label it? The answer could be many things, including fun, sleek or sporty. Classy is hard to pull off. Hence you will not hear many women or men say their clothes are elegant.

Simple and classy clothes never go out of style. Dressing classy also has to do with more than the clothes you wear.

The following are five style tips you need to know on how to dress classy:

  1. Fit is Vital

You will never see a classy lady with baggy clothes. They will dress in clothes with a good fit and so should you if you want to dress classy.

Fitting clothes should hug your body while giving you enough space to move freely. If you don’t have any such clothes, you may buy new ones or visit a tailor. Don’t be afraid to go to the local tailor or dressmaker for alterations. They do a great job at fixing clothes that you have bought from regular stores to make them fit perfectly.

  1. Learn How to Accessorize

You should know how to accessorize your clothes if you want them to look classy and elegant. You can wear a simple dress, but accessorizing it correctly will make all the difference in the world.

Accessories are a part of every great, classy outfit. If you want to make your style more elegant, you will have to include accessories in your outfit.

Jewelry is one of the essential accessories for a classy look. Consider using necklaces, sapphire rings, bracelets and golden hoop earrings to achieve this look. 

  1. Keep It Simple and Subtle When Dressing Classy

You need to show your class without being too flashy about it. You can do this by keeping everything simple, including the makeup you have on, the hairstyle you choose for yourself, as well as how much skin is showing.  

The number of accessories that are visible should be limited to make the look subtle. Your makeup and hairstyle should also not be too flashy unless you are attending a party or going to an event where such glam is expected.

If you want your outfit to show class, then there must be some simplicity involved in it as well. The idea of "less is more" has been long known in fashion, and it applies to all outfits.

  1. Know When to Say No

Don’t be afraid to say no if someone tries to push you into something that doesn't feel right for you. If they are asking you to dress down by wearing clothes that look cheap or too revealing, then this is not the time where the class will be shown.

In other words, don’t let anyone make you change who you are as a person to fit their version of classy style.

Your clothing choices should always be about making yourself look good and not someone else or what they want from you. If it doesn't feel right for you then say no at the end of the day.

Remember, class is about being yourself and not letting others make a fool of you. Just because other people are doing something doesn't mean that it's right for you as well. Be confident in what you do.

  1. Be Confident

You will be able to find your own classy style once you learn how to get rid of all the insecurities that are holding you back. Remember, confidence is key if you want to dress classily and look great while doing it.

When trying out new outfits or even clothes that haven't seen the light of day in a while, you should feel confident about what you wear. If not, then it's time to go back and try something else until that feeling of confidence is achieved.

Don’t let your fears or the people around you determine who you are as a person when trying out new outfits. Be confident with yourself no matter what and you will be able to dress classy the next time.

  1. Always Dress Appropriately

The last thing that you want is to dress classy but end up looking inappropriate because of a few mistakes. If your outfit is inappropriate, then it can ruin the classy look that you were going for and turn things into a disaster instead. If you want to be able to dress classy then it’s important that you learn how to choose outfits appropriately and show people your best side at all times no matter where they come from or what type of event is going on. You can check out womens cocktail dresses Sydney online for more dress ideas.

  1. Don’t Show Too Much

If you want to add more class to your style, you should consider wearing clothes that cover more of you than not.

There is nothing wrong with revealing the amazing body you work so hard to maintain. However, the mystery is an essential part of the class, and showing too much does the opposite for you.

Therefore, you should lean on the modest side instead of the flamboyant one whenever you are buying clothes. This also goes for accessories we mentioned above - there’s a certain line between “classy” and “humble”, and decorating yourself in obscenely expensive fashion items doesn’t always increase your “class”. It will be much better for your style in the long run.

  1. Take Care of Your Clothes and Shoes

You should take care of your clothes if you want them to look classy. You can do many things about this, such as ironing the clothes on a regular basis so they don’t get wrinkled or stained by food items. If it is really necessary, use an excellent dry cleaner for the best results.

Maintaining your shoes is also important for a classy look. This may mean polishing them on a regular basis and buying shoe trees to maintain their shape once you wear them out in public if they are leather or suede (the latter of which shouldn’t be worn during wintertime).

  1. Color Matters

The color of your clothes matters a lot when you want to dress classy.

You should be mindful of the colors you choose for various items in your wardrobe because they will make or break your style statement.

When choosing to clothe, pay attention to how different hues look on you before adding them to your outfit. Every person has their favorite colors, but there are some colors that will automatically make you look classy.

Some of these classic colors include black, white, grey, browns, and navy blue. These color options suit different skin tones well enough to help them pull off the classy style easily. You can mix in silver or gold accessories when wearing dark clothes if this is something that interests you.

Trying to be too bold or outlandish with colors will hurt your style. A styling tip to make you appear classier is to go with solid neutral colors whenever in doubt.

  1. Go Easy on the Makeup

We all know that makeup is a very important part of every woman’s life, and it can also be used to increase the style you have. However, many women get carried away with wearing too much makeup because they feel like their face isn't good enough without them. This makes them look more flashy than classy. So if you want to be dressed classy, you should keep your makeup subtle.

There is no problem with wearing some mascara and a little eyeliner if this fits the occasion. However, don’t go overboard because too much of anything isn't good for anyone. Stay within the natural looks.

When trying to look glamorous, too many ladies go overboard with makeup. As with many other things about dressing classy, simplicity is the better option.

In conclusion, having a classy style as it pertains to your dressing is not easy to achieve. It is a juggling act that many often fail. Use the five tips above to improve your style. The main point to remember is to keep it simple.