As parents, we all tend to make mistakes, and sometimes we don’t know how to handle our greatest parenting challenges. In fact, it can be quite stressful and cause harm to our mental health. However, you may need to remind yourself that losing your cool from time to time is natural because you’re only human.
Consider using these tactics to help you overcome your greatest parenting issues.
1. Avoid Beating Yourself Up
It's easy to succumb to negative thoughts when you’ve faced a parenting challenge and feel like a failure. Just remember that whatever happened is in the past now. All you can do is learn from your parenting mistake and move past it.
2. Find a Support Group
Parenting is likely one of the toughest jobs on the planet. Every stage will only bring up more questions and difficult decisions. Yet, if you feel like you’re struggling or even fighting an addiction — finding a support group can help you get through your toughest challenges.
3. Focus on the Good
When you’re in a heated moment, sometimes you can feel that way because the issue is not in your control. Instead of reacting to the situation, consider turning your energy toward something you can control.
What good will result from your parenting action? When you improvise with what you have at the moment, you can turn that negativity into a positive result.
4. Resolve Child Aggression
You’re not alone in the parenting department when dealing with child aggression. Many parents face this challenge. Suppose you have a five-year-old that hits a friend.
What can you do to prevent this? The way you respond will be the most important factor in curbing your child’s aggression.
Naturally, your first response may be to act aggressively toward the aggression. In a traditional discipline, parents may spank or shame their children for hitting. However, you need to control your reaction and stay calm.
Consider sitting next to your child or placing them on your lap to put them in a calm state. Doing the opposite keeps them in a state of fight or flight mode. Yet once you provide space for them to calm down, they can be rational again.
After they’re calm, let your child know it’s not okay to hit and that they upset their friend. This teaches your child emotional intelligence and can lessen the chances of hitting again.
5. Kick Poor Eating Habits
One of the more prominent issues parents face with their children is eating properly. Getting them to eat at the right time or the proper amount may seem impossible. Plus, they may refuse to eat vegetables and opt for junk food.
Ice cream, burgers and pizza will keep your child’s attention and make them want to eat those foods every time.
Remember that forcing your child to eat properly doesn’t work well. Instead, you could talk to your child about the effects of eating unhealthy foods. Show them examples of health complications and obesity.
You could even consider including your child in cooking and showing them how to prepare a nutritious meal.
6. Stop the Whining
No parent wants to hear their child whine — even though it’s their way of trying to tell you they want something. However, a whining child can also make the parent feel like their being manipulated.
What’s the best way to handle this issue?
Ignoring the child may be the best way to solve this problem. However, this may not be the most positive approach.
Other alternatives you could try include:
Listening: Often, the child may be whining because they want to feel heard or understood. Consider acknowledging what’s causing them to be upset.
Instill laughter: Laughter releases the same tension as a crying child. Spend time connecting and giggling every day to reduce whining.
Teach them to speak up: Show your child how to use their “strong voice” so they can tell you what’s wrong. You could say, “I’m trying to understand what you’re saying. Can you tell me in your strong voice?”
7. Limit Screen Time
It seems like our lives revolve around digital devices. Yet, kids may see them in a different light. Smartphones and video games can keep them hooked for hours on end. And refusing to give them a gadget and taking one away could make them upset or cry uncontrollably.
As a parent, you’re in control of your child's activities. Therefore, you could try introducing them to other activities that give them the same excitement.
For instance, board games, playing outside and hiking are all great alternatives — especially when you participate.
You could also try to limit their screen time by setting playing hours or enforcing specific play times.
8. Overcome Disobedience
What happens when you ask your child to do something, but they don’t listen? Most parents perceive this as rudeness. However, your child may act this way because they’re trying to establish an opinion.
Then, when you try to show your authority over the child, they may get upset or become aggressive. Instead of creating a power dynamic, you could communicate why what you’re asking them to do is necessary.
You could also listen to their side of why they don’t want to do what you’re asking. In most cases, reasoning it out will work.
Face Your Journey Head On
Raising a child is no easy task. The problems you may face in parenting can often be difficult. However, it helps to cope with these issues by being understanding, respectful and calm.
When you realize your child is trying their best, being caring can help solve most of your problems.