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7 Tips for Helping Your Kids Fall Asleep Faster

Helping Your Kids Fall Asleep Faster

After a long day of playing at the park and helping with homework, every busy parent finds themselves counting down the minutes until bedtime. Unfortunately, a trip to the neighborhood park won’t always burn off your little one’s pent-up energy, leaving you to pay the price for after-hours sugar rushes. Between your son who wakes up every hour and your daughter who can’t fall asleep in the first place, bedtime can begin to feel like a sport in which you can’t score any points. However, from providing bedtime tools to keeping your children comfortable, there are many ways you can help your restless young ones settle in for a restful night. Read on for seven no-fail tips to help your kids fall asleep faster.

Choose your child’s mattress thoughtfully

A good night’s rest begins with a high-quality bed. When shopping with sleep in mind, opt for a latex mattress. They’re more durable than their foam counterparts, and the latex material is naturally hypoallergenic. Unlike memory foam alternatives, even the most hyperactive little ones won’t leave behind wear-and-tear on a latex mattress. 

Establish a bedtime routine

Setting up a bedtime routine can help your little one learn that it’s time to settle down and get ready for bed. Before lights out, you should spend 20 to 30 minutes each night engaging your child in relaxing activities such as putting on pajamas, brushing teeth, and reading a bedtime story.

Stick to a bedtime

You can avoid the sleep problems that come from an inconsistent bedtime by making sure your kids are going shut-eye at the same time each night. Setting a consistent time for lights out each night can help your child fall asleep faster than they might if bedtime is different on weeknights and weekends.

Keep your child comfortable

Creating a comfortable bedroom environment will make it easier for your kids to fall asleep and stay asleep. Dressing your child in loose, non-restricting pajamas and setting the temperature to a cool 65 degrees can be vital in helping your little one drift off in no time.

Avoid after-dinner stimulation

Maybe it would be fun to take a family bike ride after dinner, but sleep experts advise otherwise. Engaging in stimulating activities too close to bedtime can wind kids up, making it harder for them to settle down and fall asleep when the evening fun is over.

Provide bedtime tools

Sometimes, children have fears surrounding bedtime that can make it difficult for them to drift off. Sending your child to bed with a flashlight can help combat any fears of darkness, while making a spray bottle full of “monster spray” will help your little one scare off anything that goes bump in the night.

Plan for daily exercise

There’s a reason so many parents take their kids to the playground to burn off extra steam. Exercise can help people of all ages fall asleep faster, making it easier for your children to nod off once bedtime hits.

Final thoughts

No parent wants kids who are still bouncing off the walls when bedtime arrives. However, from picking a quality mattress to sticking to a bedtime routine, there are many ways you can help your children fall asleep faster – counting sheep not required.