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7 Random Acts of Kindness Everyone Will Love

friends eating chocolate

Random acts of kindness are special because they’re from the heart. If you’re feeling generous, we’ll help you find a creative way to spread love. Our ideas are here to inspire you! This list can be the spark that helps to brighten someone’s day or makes a positive impact on others.

  1. Give a Sweet Treat

Random acts of kindness can be heartfelt and fun! There’s plenty of joy in a comforting treat like gourmet chocolate bars. You can donate chocolate variety packs to a group or give back to a school or an athletic club. Offer the gift of plant based chocolate! Organic dark chocolate and creamy oat milk chocolate melt in your mouth with unique tasting notes and decadent flavors.

Vegan chocolate bars feature quality ingredients and less sugar. With a craft chocolate bar, everyone can enjoy more of the good stuff. Chocolate gift boxes with colorful packaging or a bow are the perfect choice for a random gift for a friend or loved one.

  1. Donate to a Cause

Consider a non-profit organization or a cause that is dear to your heart. You can make an impact with a donation, whether you’re passionate about animals or ending world hunger. Save a few dollars each week toward your goal. You can even start a fundraising campaign.

It’s a gift to uplift your community, so search for a local cause you can get behind. You can even use a site like Charity Navigator to discover charities and their ratings. Your tax-deductible gift has a positive ripple effect, helping to run daily operations and purchase critical supplies. Some donations go directly to caring for needy populations. Anything helps, so be proud of your donation whether it is large or small.

  1. Pay for a Meal

Next time you’re in a drive-thru line, pay it forward. Take care of your meal and the one behind you. Everyone is delighted by a free lunch. Hopefully, your generosity inspires the next car. Another fun way to pay for a meal is to add extra credit to your takeout order. The next person who calls can receive a free appetizer or an entire pizza. Offer to get your neighbor or co-worker a sandwich or a coffee. Or you can pay for a dinner for someone in need. Get breakfast for a group of first responders or deliver a meal to nurses at a hospital. With the help of a hot meal, your random act of kindness feels good from the inside out.

  1. Hold Open a Door

It seems simple, but holding a door open is kind and thoughtful. So how did it become a random act of kindness? To find the answer, we must travel back to medieval history. During this time, men held doors open for women as a gesture of chivalry.

These days, holding a door in a busy place helps to keep everyone safe. It also shows another person you’re considering them. One small act of kindness can improve someone’s mood or inspire them to help someone else. The next time you enter or exit a building, take the time to keep the door open for someone behind you. Offer a nod or a smile.

  1. Make Something New

Another way to donate is to create something and give it away for free. If you know a skill like knitting or sewing, you can make blankets or clothing for the needy. Some hospitals and non-profit organizations take DIY goods and homemade clothing.

If you make jewelry, create beaded bracelets or necklaces for a girls’ club or a giveaway. Showcase your gift basket skills by donating a few to a charity raffle. Flower arrangements are wonderful gestures for a raffle gift. If you like to cook or bake, make a dish or a dessert to serve at an upcoming event. Your act of kindness will help the charity or non-profit save money and generate new donations.

  1. Pick Up Litter and Trash

Keeping your community clean is kind to yourself and others. It’s an eco-friendly practice that protects the environment and prevents trash from ending up in rivers or the ocean. If you see trash blowing around in your neighborhood, pick it up and put it in a nearby garbage can. You can do the same practice at your workplace or shopping centers.

Pay special attention to litter you find in community parks and nature preserves. Place it in a trash receptacle to prevent animals from finding it. This practice also prevents garbage from entering local waterways. If you’re passionate about the environment, you can organize monthly beach cleanups or pick up trash from the sides of roadways. Your contribution will help everyone around you while helping preserve the environment for future generations.

  1. Spread Positive Messages

For many of us, a positive affirmation can help to brighten our day and lift our spirits. Find a few messages of positivity that speak to you, and then find a way to spread them around your community. A simple act of kindness is to leave notes with upbeat affirmations on your workplace bulletin board or community boards around town.

Are you feeling artistic? Paint pebbles or rocks with bright, vibrant illustrations and positive words of encouragement. Create bookmarks to leave in library books or leave a note in a book you donate to a local book swap.

Be Kind to Others

A kind gesture feels good and makes others smile. There is no limit to the positive impact you can make on others, so begin by choosing one random act of kindness. Whether you donate your time to a loved one or give your money to an important cause, your gesture makes a difference in someone’s life.