Google “hacks for shedding baby weight” and you get millions of results on everything from HIIT exercises to new diets. But how many of them are effective? And more importantly, how long can you keep them up before getting frustrated?
We realize how difficult it can be to lose your baby weight. And we understand how confusing the information out there can get. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 7 simple but sustainable strategies to lose your baby fat.
Stay realistic
As the popular saying goes, don’t believe everything you see on TV, or social media for that matter. Losing baby weight takes time, and very often, it’s not a smooth journey.
You already know that it’s common for women to gain weight during pregnancy. But did you know that 7 out of 10 women retain this weight for up to 1 year after giving birth?
Going by this statistic, it only makes sense you give yourself a similar timeframe to achieve the same results. Depending on how much weight you gained, you can expect to lose about 5 Kg within one year after giving birth.
Also, remember that losing weight as a mother is even harder because you have more things to worry about. There’s the welfare of your baby, and of course, your new relationship dynamic.
Keep eating healthy
You may roll your eyes and go, “duh!” But you’d be surprised at how many mothers crash diet after having their baby.
A crash diet is when you eat tons of food that contain very low or even empty calories. These foods are designed to help you lose the most weight in the least amount of time.
The problem with crash dieting as a mother is that you and your baby need all those calories. Healthy food supplies your body with the nutrients you need to heal and recover from childbirth. Your baby’s developing body also needs those nutrients.
The smart way is to use caloric deficits to your advantage. Estimates by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggest that reducing your daily calorie consumption by 500 calories can help you lose 1 kg in two weeks.
This is a safer bet because you can eat enough nutrients to recover, feed your baby, and still gradually shed the baby weight.
Breastfeeding isn’t just good for the baby; it’s also great for the mother, according to the World Health Organization.
Breast milk contains all the vital nutrients a baby needs in the first 6 months of life to grow and thrive. It also transfers antibodies from the mother until the baby can develop its own immune system.
As a mother, breastfeeding has been shown to support your weight loss. Studies indicate that mothers who perform full breastfeeding tend to lose more weight than those who don’t.
It makes sense when you think about it. You’re essentially feeding your infant from the nutrients you currently have in your body. This is also why it’s a bad idea to consume empty calories.
Count your calories
Counting calories may not be sexy, but it does work. As we’ve already covered, the formula for losing weight is simple: eat fewer calories than your body consumes.
But part of the problem is counting your calories correctly. The process can be boring, painstaking, and sometimes, even disrupt your daily schedule.
But don’t worry because you’re not the only one to run into this problem. Luckily, you can use simple hacks like the following
Keep a food diary: Writing down everything you eat in a day makes it easier to track your calories
Download a calorie tracking app: These contain information on the various caloric content of common foods, making it easier for you to keep track.
Find an accountability partner: Preferably a mother who’s also trying to lose weight.
Get plenty of sleep
We know how it sounds. Sleep and a new baby are almost opposites because your precious one will keep you awake at all hours. But research suggests that poor sleep patterns can lead to greater weight gain after pregnancy.
As always, we have some hacks that you can use to sneak in some extra snooze time. The biggest one is to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to get a babysitter just to catch a few ZZZs.
It’s also a great idea to invest in some baby items like crib sheets and a lullaby machine. These will make your baby fall asleep quicker and give you more time to rest your eyes. Click here to check out some amazing organic crib sheets.
Stock up on fiber
Fiber is great for your digestive system, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Foods that are high in fiber are excellent for weight loss, according to a 2019 study published in the Journal of Nutrition.
In the study, consuming just 4 grams of fiber more than normal helped the average participant lose up to 3 pounds more. Besides this improved weight loss, fiber also has another fantastic effect on weight loss.
It can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing your need to eat as much. It does this by slowing down your body’s rate of digestion.
You may be thinking, “isn’t this just another empty calorie diet?” Well, it’s not because fiber is also great for your body.
Unfortunately, this hack isn’t discussed often because high-fiber foods aren’t as visually appealing as fast food and other high-calorie meals available today. But it does make it easier to resist their temptation.
Make sure you have healthy snacks everywhere
One of the challenges you’ll run into when keeping a food diary is that you may have trouble keeping track of the food you eat. Because like most people, you probably nibble on snacks throughout the day.
The problem is that these snacks contain calories you didn’t plan for, and they may ruin your entire caloric deficit plan. The best way to beat this is to get ahead of it and place healthy snacks around your house.
These would include mixed nuts and dried fruit, string cheese, seaweed snacks, spiced nuts, and cut vegetables.
And fruit. Don’t forget fruit. In fact, fruit should be one of your top choices because research shows keeping fruit on the counter is associated with lower BMIs in house residents. As you might have guessed, keeping unhealthy food on the counter is associated with unhealthy weight gain.
It’s best to stick with food that you actually enjoy. If you don’t like the taste of seaweed snacks, don’t expect to power through it just because you really want to lose weight.