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6 Smart Home Devices that are safe for kids.

smart home devices safe for kids

Everyone these days wants to be able to control their homes with the help of technology.  Smart devices are taking over the world and give us that luxury to live in a connected home, anywhere at any time. With so many Smart Home Devices coming out every day, it is getting hard for parents to choose which ones are appropriate for kids especially when children are small and curious about everything around them! But what if the trend isn't just about your home anymore? Kids smart watch australia are exploding in popularity, offering exciting features like GPS tracking, two-way calling, and even game apps. However, navigating this new tech terrain and finding the right balance between fun and control can be tricky for parents. We have made things easy by giving you 6 smart devices that are kids friendly, useful and entertaining!

1 . Ring Camera and Doorbell (For Exterior Doors)

Each Ring camera per account allows you to check who is at your door without you having to actually go down and open the door. You can set up the ring camera to be motion activated which will send an alert to your phone when movement is detected.  All you have to do is open the ring app and see who is at your door via live video before deciding if you are ready to answer!

Ring doorbell has similar features to ring camera, except ring doorbell is more for when you are not home and need to answer the door with ring cam. It adds an extra layer of security around your home, recording any suspicious activity and creating an impression of someone being at home 24hrs a day. There are a few ring devices available on the market but ring video doorbell is one of the most useful!

2 . TP-LINK Smart Plug (For Garage)

These TP-Link smart plugs are great for controlling lights, appliances, and other devices around the home. This device allows you to turn your TV on automatically when you get back from work or school just by syncing your smartphone with the plug.

This device is perfect for those who are always forgetting to turn off appliances! TP-link smart plugs use wifi technology to connect with smartphones, allowing you to turn it on/off from anywhere as long as your smartphone has an internet connection. You can also set up schedules that make this product eco-friendly as well as convenient.

3 . Cree LED Lighting (For Kids Room)

One of the most useful inventions for kids is Cree LED lighting. Not only do they save energy but they last a really long time! The lights are also perfect as nightlights because they are dimmable and emit a soft glow that is not too bright to disturb your child's sleep.

LED lighting uses much less energy than standard lamps, which helps you save on electricity bills in the long run! They also last up to 25 times longer than standard household lamps.

4 . Amazon Echo (For Living Room)

The Amazon Echo is fully wireless and may be used in any room of the house, but it's especially useful in a living room where you might want to use it to control your music playlist, start a slide show, control smart tv, request specific information or ask for a reminder on when your kids have soccer practice on Saturdays. The Amazon devices come with several 'skills' that can assist youngsters with their studies or even teach them music abilities.

5 . Google Smart Speaker (Office)

Google Home is a voice-activated assistant that can help with many tasks related to your work or school. For example, you can use it to schedule meetings, place reservations, and get help with other important tasks. Usin Google Home on your phone, tablet or a smart speaker in your office or study can help you to stay organized and efficient.

You can also create rules for your child's Google homeaccount. These include whether or not certain apps are allowed to be used with it, what kinds of questions are allowed to be answered, and what kind of content is appropriate for them based on their age.

6 . Nest Thermostat and Nest Protect (Kitchen)

Nest thermostat automatically learns how long each appliance should run which saves you money on energy bills.  You can just set your house temperature and it will maintain the perfect atmosphere while saving you money when you are away from home.

Nest Protect smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are among Amazon's top-selling items. They should be an essential part of your smart home.

The Nest Protect Smoke Detector can now switch off GE Appliances automatically and send an alert to the Kitchen app if it detects smoke.

Privacy Mode 

Many of us have little ones that are curious about every device they see - especially if it's a new one.  This creates an issue where they can potentially mess around with your devices causing them to be hacked or used against you somehow.  But have no fear, most smart home devices now feature privacy mode which allows you to lock down all wifi access and protect kids from getting into sensitive content or apps that they should not be using.