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5 Common Complaints Kids Have About Long Car Trips (and how to solve them)

kids in car on a roadtrip

Long car trips with kids can feel like an adventure or a test of patience, depending on how prepared you are. As much as children may enjoy a road trip, being confined in a car for hours often leads to complaints. However, with a few innovative strategies, you can tackle these common complaints head-on, making the ride smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. 

Here are five typical grievances kids have during long car trips, along with practical solutions to keep the peace and ensure a pleasant experience for the whole family.

Discomfort and Lack of Space

One of the biggest complaints from children during long car trips is discomfort. Spending hours in a confined space can cause restlessness, especially when there’s limited room to move. Uncomfortable seating only adds to the problem, making the journey feel even longer for little ones.

To combat this, it's essential to make the seating arrangement as comfortable as possible. Travel pillows, soft blankets, and car seat cushions can work wonders. These items provide support and help children feel cosy during the ride. 

Investing in ergonomic solutions like Isofix car seats can make a noticeable difference. They offer better stability and comfort, ensuring your child remains securely and comfortably positioned throughout the journey. It reduces the chances of complaints and makes the trip more enjoyable.

Frequent Restroom Requests

Kids often need to stop for the restroom more frequently than adults, and these requests can disrupt the flow of a long car trip. Unexpected restroom emergencies can also lead to stressful situations, mainly if facilities aren’t readily available.

Preparation is key. Plan your route ahead of time and identify rest stops with public restrooms along the way. Smartphone apps can help locate suitable stopping points, ensuring you're never too far from a facility. 

Encourage children to use the restroom before setting off and at every stop, whether they feel the need or not, to prevent emergency requests later. A portable potty can be a lifesaver in long stretches without restrooms. These compact, easy-to-use items are beneficial during traffic jams or on routes with limited services. It ensures you're always prepared for those unavoidable situations.

Hunger and Thirst

Hunger and thirst are often complaints during long car journeys. Kids need more frequent meals and snacks than adults, and long stretches without food can lead to grumbling and irritability.

To avoid this, pack various healthy, easy-to-eat snacks before hitting the road. Mess-free options such as sandwiches, crackers, fruit slices, and cheese sticks are ideal. Having a cooler stocked with chilled drinks such as water and juice readily available helps keep children hydrated throughout the trip.

It’s also helpful to have a snack schedule in place. Offer food and drinks at regular intervals to keep hunger at bay and plan picnics at rest stops or scenic spots. Eating together as a family can create a pleasant break and provide something to look forward to.


Children tend to get bored quickly, and long car trips are no exception. Endless hours on the road with little to do can lead to frustration, complaints, and restlessness. Keeping them entertained is critical to maintaining peace in the car.

To prevent boredom, create a range of activities that suit your child’s interests. Portable electronic devices loaded with games, audiobooks, or films can be a great way to keep them occupied. Ensure the content is varied, mixing educational material with entertainment to engage their minds. Screen-free options like colouring books, puzzles, or storybooks can also provide a break from electronics.

Car games like “I Spy,” “20 Questions,” or travel bingo are classic solutions that work wonders. These interactive games engage the whole family and make the time pass quickly. Planning and including fun stops along the route, such as parks, landmarks, or scenic viewpoints, can give kids something to look forward to and break up the trip's monotony.

Sibling Squabbles

Sibling conflicts are almost inevitable when kids are stuck together in a car for hours. Being in close quarters for long periods can lead to bickering and arguments, which can quickly escalate and cause stress for everyone in the car.

To minimise these conflicts, create separate spaces for each child if possible. Keeping a bit of distance between siblings, even in the back seat, can help reduce the physical confrontations that often lead to arguments. A small bag, eski, or car seat organiser between them can act as a boundary, giving them their personal space.

Individual entertainment options tailored to each child’s interests can help keep the peace. Keeping them busy with their activities reduces interaction and the potential for conflict, whether it’s their favourite audiobooks, music, or games with headphones. Setting ground rules for the trip, such as taking turns with shared items or respecting each other’s space, can also help maintain harmony in the car.

Final Thoughts

Long car trips with kids don’t have to be filled with complaints and frustration. Addressing common concerns like discomfort, boredom, hunger, sibling conflicts, and restroom needs can transform the journey into a smoother and more enjoyable experience. Preparation is critical, and with a few simple strategies, you can keep the kids content and make the trip memorable for all the right reasons.