If you’re an angry mom, you know how difficult it can be not only for you, but also for your family. Here are five concrete ways to help you keep your cool.
Take Time for You to Be Happier
Daily self-care can feel nearly impossible, but it is critical to your wellbeing. You can’t expect to stay emotionally regulated if you are neglecting your own needs. Self-care is a must for emotional health. Do what brings you peace and comfort – tea with a good book, a run around the block, yoga while the baby naps, coffee with a friend. A FaceTime with a loved one. Whatever it is – make time for it!
Research, Learn and Practice Good Parenting Skills
Parenting is complicated, intense, ever-changing, and ongoing work. You can’t expect to have all the answers without taking the time to be introspective, while also doing some research. No one is born with the skills that it takes to be a great parent. Treat it like any other important job and learn about how to be the best parent to your unique child. (And if you have more than one child embrace that each may require something different from you.)
Talk with Your Child Face-to-Face
You can engage with your children more effectively if you approach them calmly, get down to their eye level, and talk face-to-face. You will have your child’s full attention, and your child will be able to read your non-verbal communication signs, such as facial expression and body language. You will be better able to understand each other when communicating this way.
Pick Your Battles to Stay Sane
If you pick every battle you will be miserable – and so will your kids. It is okay to let little things go. Sometimes the best thing that you can do for peace and sanity is to ignore the small stuff. Your children are arguing over a toy truck? Your preschooler is upset that you cut his sandwich into squares instead of triangles? Either distract your kids with something else or walk away, take a deep breath, and do something else for ten minutes. Chances are, the issue will be long forgotten by the time you come back.
Increase Your Support System
There is a reason that the “it takes a village” phrase exists. No one should have to parent in a vacuum. If you don’t have family or close friends who are like-minded parents, find social media groups that support good parenting practices; align yourself with other parents in the school or daycare who share your goals for raising happy families. Having friends – both in person and online – that are in the same stage of life as you can be a lifesaver for dealing with your stresses and concerns.
These tips were adapted from the author’s blog.