A musical instrument is a device that is used to make music. Most parents, especially the ones who play at least one musical instrument or have a flair for music, would love to see their kids play an instrument too. Apart from stimulating your child’s brain development, music can be very relaxing and fun. Drum, piano, guitar, violin, trumpet, and many other instruments can be learned by your kid if only you would be interested in teaching it to him.
The Easiest Way to Teach Your Kid a Musical Instrument
- Kids are often really curious learners and love learning new things. It is believed that children are born with their own natural rhythm that has to be nurtured through musical training. Since kids love music right from a tender age, getting them interested in learning it should not be so difficult. However, it has to be done in the easiest way possible. Here are some really easy ways to teach your kid a musical instrument:
- Be alert. Alertness here means you should be able to detect when your kid is losing interest in the method you are using. If you sense that you have stressed the kid’s attention span, be ready to improvise. You can keep the books aside and use your hands, or change environment.
- Be an encourager. Learning to play an instrument takes time – you will have to go through the basics and develop finer motor skills. For kids, this could prove a bit difficult because they still have not learnt endurance, as such, they tend to easily get discouraged and frustrated. It is your duty, at that point, to keep encouraging them. Let them know it was not easy for anyone and may take a little bit more time to pick up on the basics. Try to boost their morale by applauding them when they make even the slightest progress.
- Be excited. Kids especially, learn better when being taught anything excitedly. Your kid will be more inclined to learn a musical instrument if you make it seem like an adventure, instead of an imposition. Look for fun ways to portray the instrument you want to teach him and look really excited about the prospect of both of you playing together. Somehow, your enthusiasm will get to him and he will also be eager to know what makes the instrument excite you so much.
- Expose your kid to music. It is important to play music from different periods and cultures as often as you can. This will make your child get attuned to music and develop appreciation for it. With time, you could teach him to accompany listening with clapping, dancing, tapping his foot, or even conducting. Another fun thing you could do is ask him to pick out at least an instrument he can hear clearly from the music he is listening to. As time goes on, your kid will become more aware of different forms of music and even begin to understand new musical concepts.
- Give your kid a coloring book. Kids love to play and have fun. One fun way to teach your kid about music is to give him a coloring book that has musical instruments in it. Talk to him about each instrument as he colors it. This is an easy way to familiarize him with each instrument. Pictures of musical instruments can be gotten online.
- Homemade musical instruments. Considering the fact that musical instruments for kids are usually quite pricey, it will make sense if you can create a homemade one for them. In fact, it will make more sense if your kid can make one himself. To do this, you will have to explain how the particular instrument works, probably let him see pictures of it. Your creative kid will find a way to build one by himself, and you could help him do so too. However, this often works for older children. You will have to create the instrument yourself or buy one for your younger child.
- Start with everyday objects. One of the best ways to teach your child a musical instrument is by using objects that are easily accessible to him at home or in the classroom. These objects can help in introducing the child to rhythm, which is a very important musical concept. How to detect and combine various sounds can also be introduced by the use of these everyday objects. Pencils, wooden spoons, small pans, rulers, salt and pepper shakers, pots and pot covers, and water bottles are some of the objects you can encourage your kid to play with. When these objects are treated like percussive instruments, your little one will find it easier to upgrade to a real instrument.
- Use easy-to-understand language. A lot of kids do not always understand what some words mean – and would rather assume instead of asking you. Try to match your vocabulary to the individual kid you are trying to teach. Think of the easiest way to explain some words, terms or expressions so that your kid can comprehend easily.
Benefits of Teaching Your Kid a Musical Instrument
Your kid has a lot to gain from learning to play at least one musical instrument. Some of these benefits include:
- It will give your kid a sense of achievement
- It creates a sense of responsibility
- It exposes your kid to different cultures and history
- It improves the kid’s ability to memorize
- It is also easier for your child to have better reading and comprehension skills
- It teaches him perseverance
- Learning to play an instrument also improves your kid’s coordination
- Self-expressions will be nurtured
- Social skills will also be improved
- Your kid will develop better listening skills
Any parent who knows how to play an instrument already knows the value of teaching his kid how to play too. Whether you want your child to become a well-rounded person or you just want to pass on an art to your kid, be rest assured your kid will be grateful for the effort. This article presents you with the easiest fun ways to teach your kid a musical instrument, as well as the benefits of ensuring your child learns to play. The sooner the lessons begin, the better for your kid.