How to balance work, motherhood and marriage
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The ultimate question that most moms especially have is about balance, that juggling act between your marriage, your family, your kids and your job and you know, the first thing that I tell parents is that nothing and nobody is perfect. You’re not going to have the perfect balance and the balance that you hold that works for you is not going to look like anybody else’s. So definitely try to maintain your sanity by not comparing yourself to others. You know, don’t try to keep up with the Joneses and realize that the balance that you hold is the perfect balance for you and it definitely is going to take some time to fall into that routine once you become a mother and that new role as parent takes over.
Watch Sondra Santos Drahos's video on How to balance work, motherhood and marriage...
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Sondra Santos DrahosEducator & Blogger
In 2007, when Sondra Santos Drahos was a single mom, she became a Certified Parent Educator and founded Happy Healthy Hip Parenting. She is a Parental Advisor at Parental Wisdom and has been heard on NPR’s The Takeaway. She was included in the Nielsen’s list of Top 50 Power Moms in 2009. She is dedicated to Honoring Families, Supporting Parents, and Enriching Relationships. She lives in Solana Beach, California with her husband and two sons.
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