Using imagination to heal and handle trauma and stress
Charlotte Reznick, PhD Psychologist and Author, shares advice for parents on how they can teach kids to use their imagination to help them handle stress and trauma
A child's imagination is a powerful thing. Everything comes from the imagination. If we teach them to use it and access it right, they can really transform any stress, anxiety or trauma.
I've found, over the years, working with thousands of kids, whether their issues are simple; sibling rivalry, or a test at school or whether, they have serious tics or afraid of dogs biting them, or cancer or something. Whenever I see in children, if they can learn the skills to go inside and ask their own wisdom help them.
Charlotte Reznick, PhD Psychologist and Author, shares advice for parents on how they can teach kids to use their imagination to help them handle stress and trauma
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Charlotte Reznick, PhDPsychologist & Author
Charlotte Reznick, PhD, is a child educational psychologist, a former UCLA Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, and author of the Los Angeles Times bestselling book, The Power of Your Child's Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success. Dr. Reznick is also creator of Imagery For Kids: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity and Empowerment, a mindful, positive coping skills program, and writer/producer of several therapeutic relaxation CDs for children, teens and parents. In addition to her private practice, she is a frequent media consultant, and teaches workshops internationally on the healing power of children's imagination.
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