What to do when a child witnesses bullying

What to do when a child witnesses bullying
What to do when a child witnesses bullying | Kids in the House
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What to do when a child witnesses bullying

Bystanders are present in 80 percent of events of bullying episodes. Many of them don't jump in because they don't know how. Many of them don't jump in because they are afraid they will get picked on. What we advise kids is to look around the group that's standing beside them, if they see a couple of people looking like they are a little uncomfortable; maybe they can ban together. But you are never sure, so the best thing they could do is to run and get help for the child who is being bullied.


Expert Bio

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Alexandra Penn

Champions Against Bullying

Alexandra Penn, founder of Champions Against Bullying and author of the award winning Disney Parent-to-Parent, Ministry of Education recommended CD-ROM, The No-Nonsense Guide To Kids’ Bullying Solutions, is a leading expert on School Bullying/Youth Violence. Her workshops for kids, parents and educators are loaded with Preventive Strategies, Intervention Techniques and Immediate Practical solutions. Alexandra is an Internationally Certified Trainer in Youth Violence Prevention, a Crisis Intervention Specialist, a Parent Coach, an accomplished writer and editor, a dynamic workshop leader, keynote speaker, mother of two and founding member of the Coalition for Bullying Awareness and Prevention in Canada. A former counselor in Special Ed at the Board of Education, Alexandra's breakthrough with an autistic child initiated a video used as a teaching tool at the world-renowned Clarke Institute of Psychiatry.

Alexandra maintains, “children’s mental health is directly linked to their academic success and removing the obstacles that impede learning, such as fear, are crucial. Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders – our leaders. It’s up to all of us to decide how we want them to evolve. Kids need our help. They can’t fix it themselves. Let’s make it happen!”

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