Cyberbullying Videos
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, explains how people use "likes" on social media, and why some kids may perceive this as as form of bullying
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, tells the story of her daughter Megan Meier
Percy L. Abram, PhD describes the role of a school in preventing and dealing with cyberbullying
Theresa M. Payton, National Cyber Security Expert, explains what cyber cheerleading is and how kids can use it.
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, talks about why kids create fake social media profiles to engage in cyberbullying
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, explains how technology has changed the face of bullying
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, shares advice for parents on the best methods for preventing children from cyberbullying and explains why... read more
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, explains the best steps to take if your child is bullying someone online
Michael Pritchard, Humanist & Child Advocate, shares advice for parents on the best steps to take if your child is being cyberbullied or bullied online
Caroline Knorr, Parenting Editor of Common Sense Media, explains the difference between digital drama and cyber bullying.
Yalda T. Uhls, Regional Director of Common Sense Media, explains what the group Anonymous is and how they helped a victim of cyber bullying.
Yalda Uhls, MBA, PhD Regional Director at Common Sense Media, shares advice for parents on how to help their child if they are being bullied online and how to best... read more
View Yalda T. Uhls, MBA, PhD 's video on When your child sets up a cruel social networking site...
Former Police Lieutenant, Joe Laramie, shares advice on dealing with negative online behavior.
Former Police Lieutenant, Joe Laramie, explains the different forms of cyber bullying.
Joel Haber, Psychologist and Bullying & Parenting Expert, explains what cell phone or mobile bullying is.
Joel Haber, PhD Psychologist & Bullying Expert, shares advice for parents on the best actions to take when your child is being cyberbullied
Joel Haber, Psychologist and Bullying & Parenting Expert, describes a parent's responsibility when it comes to cyber bullying.
Joel Haber, PhD Psychologist & Bullying Expert, shares advice for parents on the best methods for preventing your child from being a victim of cyberbullying
See Lori Getz, M.A.'s video on How to prevent a child from becoming a cyberbully...
View Mary Kay Hoal's video on Tips for victims of cyberbullying...
View Mary Kay Hoal's video on Preventing your child from becoming a cyberbully...
Watch Mary Kay Hoal's video on When your child is a cyberbully...
Lori Getz, MA Internet Safety Expert, Mother, and Educator, shares advice for parents on the best ways to respond when their child is being bullied online
Lori Getz, MA Internet Safety Expert, Mother, and Educator, shares advice for parents on how to talk to kids about cyberbullying so that their kids will know what to do... read more
Dorothy Espelage, PhD Professor of Childhood Development, explains that the internet has not created new bullies, but rather new ways for bullying to occur
Learn about: Monitoring electronic use for bullying prevention from Dorothy Espelage,...
Jonathan Fischman, Technology Expert, shares advice for parents on what they can do to help protect their children from cyber and online bullying
See Liz Laugeson, PsyD's video on How to stop cyberbullying...
Watch Video: Bullying and the internet by Jerry Weichman, PhD, ...