Baby proofing staircases and outdoor areas

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Baby proofing staircases and outdoor areas

For outdoor areas and staircases, staircases whether they're in the home or outside staircases, we always mount gates at the top and the bottom of the stairs. You never want to use a pressure gate at the top of stairs. A child can easily push over a pressure-mounted gate. For decks, balconies, areas that have railings, you want to make sure the opening is no more than four inches wide. For areas that do need some kind of protection put on them, we recommend using plexiglass. It's the most attractive product out there and a child cannot get a grip on it to climb it as maybe perhaps they could with netting. If you have horizontal railings, you want to make sure that you mount the plexiglass on the inside so that the child, again, cannot get a handhold or toehold to go up and over. Also on decks or balcony areas, you want to watch where you put your furniture. You don't want to put it up against an area where a child can climb onto the furniture and then possibly fall. This is an area that really needs to be addressed quite well. We've had a parent call us one time and said, "Can you come today? My child just went over the balcony. And I caught my child." So it really is something that needs to be addressed as soon as your child is mobile.

See Nancy Spigelman's video on Baby proofing staircases and outdoor areas...


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Nancy Spigelman

Babyproofing Specialist

Nancy Spigelman and her husband David started Wonder Years Babyproofing, an in-home babyproofing service, in 1988. Child passenger safety is her passion, and she has been educating parents and caregivers for the past 10 years on the proper use of car restraints in cars for children. In working with parents and caregivers, Nancy strives to enable them to confidently use child restraint seats properly every time their child is in the car. When she is not at home hanging out with her family and pets, she loves road trips, camping and hiking, as well as cooking and reading. 

Baby Proofing, Baby Proofing, Poisons, Poison
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