Benefits of breastfeeding a toddler
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I think there are a lot of benefits to extended breastfeeding and breastfeeding a toddler. Most importantly, it's not for nourishment anymore. It's for closeness, it's for that connection, it's that time that they can take that they get you all to yourself, you are completely there with them, you're totally present with them, and they feel that security. And I feel that security; when things are crazy and it's nuts and I'm feeling at my wit's end and my toddler then gives me the sign for milk or asks me to nurse, I have to sit down, I have to take that time and it always makes me feel better, because there's just nothing better than holding my child and knowing that I'm giving them that comfort that they're seeking.
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Traci CummingsUnconventional Mom
Traci Cummings is a divorced, self-described unconventional mom of two children, ages seven and five. When she isn't preparing meals, cleaning up or playing card games with her children, she is busy trying to spread the word about babywearing. Traci – who is a strong advocate of breastfeeding, the family bed and instinctual parenting – believes her children are the teachers providing daily lessons to further her practice as a parent.
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