Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease
Watch Video: Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease by Jessica Jones, ...
I found out that my son had Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease because I had put him to bed. I went to feed him in the morning, it was about 7:30, he was on fire. His fever was so high, that he was hot to the touch. It was very scary, as he had never been sick before.
I knew right away instinctively, that I need to call the doctor. It was on the weekend, so I called and because of the particularly high fever -- it was running 104 or 105 -- which was very scary as a new mother. We ended up taking him into the doctors office. She did the check up and flashed a light on his throat, and, lo and behold, there were about 30 blisters in his throat. It was bright red.
I almost gasped, but also, there was a sense of relief because I knew it was definitely something. It wasn't just a fever from teething or something, but it was also curable.
Watch Video: Symptoms of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease by Jessica Jones, ...
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Jessica JonesMom & Writer
Jessica is a freelance researcher, writer, producer and new mom with extensive experience working on television, film, documentary, and web projects. She most enjoys contributing to projects that she is passionate about and believes can make a difference in people's lives. As a new mom, good parenting and developmental childcare are at the top of Jessica's list of interests. Jessica is currently a contributor for and other publications.
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