Recognizing and treating bow-legs
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Bow legs are when a child's legs are not completely straight and actually shaped like a bow. This can be a normal part of development even up to 18 months of age. Usually from the baby's positioning inside the womb where their legs are crossed like this. If your child is around the age of 3 and they are standing with their ankles together, their knees should just barely touch, so if there is a wide distance between their knees, or severe bowing or they are having problems running, playing sports or they are falling a lot; this would be a good reason to talk to your doctor. Some people will use braces or casting with bowed legs, but the jury is still out on whether or not those things are truly effective in the long term. If there is a problem with the way your baby's bones are growing; like a bone dysplasia or blount's disease for example; sometimes surgery is required.
Watch Tamiko Jordan, MD's video on Recognizing and treating bow-legs...
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Tamiko Jordan, MDGeneral Pediatrician, Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Dr. Jordan was born in Riverside, California and received her medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine. She completed her pediatric residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and has since worked in many different settings. Currently she is an attending pediatrician at the Altamed General Pediatric Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where she teaches pediatric residents and sees her own patients in private practice. She has been featured on ABC7 and FOX11 news as well as the Patt Morrison Show on 89.3 KPCC. Her latest project is the asthma clinic at Altamed, where she can spend more time educating patients and parents about optimizing their asthma care and minimizing ER visits and lost school days.
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